* Cooking Segment *

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   (Hi Rosalies! In this scenario, Leela will be doing a cooking segment with a few members. But something goes a little wrong in it. This was requested by HaloCoil Thank you for the request! I hope you and everyone else will enjoy it)!

   Leela, Chan, Jisung, and Felix were filming a cooking segment for YouTube. They were told to make certain foods and were challenged to talk a certain way throughout the whole thing. If not, they would get a penalty and will lose the challenge. Leela chose to talk in a poetic/royal way. They were permitted to talk in English or Korean. Occasionally, they switched languages.

   Leela was currently making a Rabokki, since she was craving that. She was immensely focused on the cooking but talked occasionally in the way she chose. "Leela! Do you mind cutting this for me?" Felix asked in a lacking American accent. Leela chuckled. "Why of course I do not mind Felix. I would be honored to help." Leela said, trying her best to do the accent she chose.

   Felix gave her some carrots to chop up. Leela grabbed a knife and began chopping. She was focused on it. Jisung began talking and said something funny, causing Leela to chuckle a bit. As she did that, she felt a sting on her finger and it started hurting. Leela let go of the knife and hissed in pain. She looked at her index finger, which was bleeding. The boys didn't notice so Leela turned to the camera to announce her injury, speaking the poetic/royal accent in English.

   "Oh dear, it seems that I have made an incision on my index finger. It would be magnificent if I could obtain a bandage and a bottle of disinfectant." Leela said, holding her finger and trying to prevent blood from falling on the carrots. Chan turned to Leela and gasped. "Leela! You're bleeding!" Chan exclaimed, unknowingly breaking out of the accent he was supposed to do.

   "Ah yes. I am now releasing a red liquid from my open wound. The very liquid that protects me from death's arms." Leela said. "How are you so calm?! Doesn't it hurt?!" Chan asked, flipping into overprotective dad mode. "The shock is beginning to wear off and I am still in need of some assistance. I can feel the wrath of air in my exposed flesh. My nerves are more sensitive than ever before." Leela answered. "What the heck?" Jisung asked, unknowingly slipping out of his accent as well.

   Leela looked behind the camera at the staff, who were beginning to laugh. "You there! Have you arrived with the equipment I demanded?" She asked in Korean. A staff member put a thumbs up and lifted up the bandages and alcohol bottle. "Wonderful! I'd like to thank you very much for your kindness in assisting me. Unlike those baboons over there." Leela said, tilting her head at the three boys who were laughing hysterically. "What is she doing?!" Felix laughed, breaking out of his accent as well.

   "Look at them. Laughing and having a good time making a fool of me as I SUFFER! I am absolutely appalled!" Leela exclaimed, switching to English again. The staff began laughing as well. "The way she's speaking English makes it better!" Jisung said in Korean. 

   Leela temporarily put her cooking to a halt and left really quickly to get her finger treated. Once her finger was wrapped up, she went back. "I have now returned and will continue to do my lovely cooking while those individuals beside me continue making a fool of me." Leela said, causing the boys to laugh even more. "Get to work peasants!" Leela yelled. They shook their heads and continued while giggling.

   Eventually, they finished cooking their meals and began eating. The staff told them the results of the segment. "Now. Out of the four of you. Only one person fulfilled the challenge." The staff member said. The boys then realized that they were supposed to do the accents and continue it until they finished cooking. "Even though she got injured, Leela passed the challenge." The staff member said. "YEAH!!!" Leela yelled. "Dang it!" Felix said.

   "Now the penalty is the hammer! The person who won must hit the losers on the head." The staff member said. Leela chuckled and took the toy hammer and hit the three boys over the head. "It was your fault for getting injured!" Jisung said, jokingly. "How dare you accuse me of being at fault for your unpleasant loss! You are the one at fault for saying something absolutely hilarious while I was being a dear friend to Felix and chopping up the carrots for him!" Leela said, switching to the accent again. The boys cackled and laughed hysterically. Leela broke character and began laughing as well.

   The staff members behind the camera laughed as they continued with their banter. Eventually, Stray Kids ended the segment by talking in the accents chosen. "Thank you my lovely guests for watching this absolutely disastrous segment." Leela said, finishing up the video. The boys laughed again as they said goodbye. Now Leela definitely knew what to do to make the boys laugh.

   (So that was it guys! I hope y'all enjoyed it! I hope you enjoyed it HaloCoil Thank you for the request! For the lines when Leela accidentally cuts her finger, I did not come up with that. This user did. Thank you for that! See you soon Rosalies)!








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