* Episode 3 of "HWAITING" *

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   (Aye look! Episode 3 of "Hwaiting!" I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

   It was now time for another activity. Leela and the rest gathered around to film the third episode. "Hey everybody welcome back to the third episode of 'Hwaiting!'" Eric said to the camera. "Hwaiting!" Leela and the rest said, simultaneously. "'Hwaiting' is a game where your favourite Kpop stars play the most life-changing phenomenal games ever known to man and I'm your host, Eric Nam." Eric started.

   "We're going to give you a quick ranking of the current standings. Here we go last place. Please raise your hand Leela, Peniel, and Jae." Eric said. "Unfortunately." Leela said as she raised her hand. Peniel and Jae raised their hands as well. "You guys have negative two points. Second place tied. We have Ashley, Jamie, and BM. Raise your hands." Eric said. "Aye!!!" Ashley, Jamie, and Matthew said together. "And in lead we have Amber with four points. How are you? How you feeling?" Eric asked. "Great." Amber said, moving her hands in the air.

   "This game is going to require some teamwork, some great dexterity, balance, and maybe a motion sickness bag. Are you guys excited?" Eric asked after explaining. All the idols were confused and asked aloud about the motion sickness bag. "Eric what do you mean a motion sickness bag? Are we getting dizzy?!" Leela exclaimed. "Ok! I know you guys are super excited for this game. Before we get started, let me explain to you that winners get three or four points each so to set it up, we're gonna pick some sticks." Eric explained.

   "Pick a stick! Pick a stick! Pick a stick!" Eric sang as he gave out the sticks to the others. "Show us your colors!" Eric said. They unveiled their colors. Leela got blue like last time. Ashley and Jamie began screaming. Leela looked at hers confused and gazed over at Ashley and Jamie's colors. She joined them with the screaming before eventually, Matthew came to them and they danced around together in a circle, celebrating that they were a team.

   "Incredibly excited! What is going on? Why are you all so excited?" Eric asked to the four of them. "Because we're--" Jamie started. "Because we're on the same team again." Ashley finished. "I'm happy that I'm with them and I'm happy Matthew's here!" Leela said. "Ok and how are you guys feeling?" Eric asked Amber, Peniel, and Jae. "Yay!!!" Jae said, not sounding excited at all. "A lot of energy and optimism coming from this side. I'm super excited for them." Eric said, sarcastically. "What's the game?" Jamie asked. "I'll let you know as soon as you guys go change and come right back. Let's go change!" Eric said. Leela and the others ran off to change their hoodies from their black Dive Studios hoodies to their team colors. In this case, Leela and her team changed to blue Dive Studios hoodies and Amber, Peniel, and Jae changed to red Dive Studios hoodies. Once they came back, Eric explained everything to them.

   "Today's game is one that you'll probably be very very familiar with. It's called Jenga!" Eric said. "Jenga!" Matthew said in a deep voice. "Jenga yes but it's a little bit bigger than what you normally play with and we've added a little, a few tricks up our sleeves to make it a little bit harder than it usually is. Alright winners get three or four points each to their individual scores. The worst two or three players lose a point from their total scores. The game will be played in two teams. We have the blue team. We got the red team." Eric explained, resulting in Matthew to say "whoo" and Peniel to scream. Eric explained the rules to them, which made Leela a bit nervous. They had to do five elephant spins and had to remove a block and stack it in three seconds. Leela does not do well when it comes to her being dizzy. She will literally get nauseous. She knew she would bring her team down.

   "Are you guys ready?" Eric asked. "Yeah!" Everyone said in unison. "Let's play some Jenga!" Eric shouted. They eventually got ready. Leela, Ashley, Jamie, and Matthew started doing a little dance. "What are y'all, what is going on? That's your team dance?" Eric asked. "Hell yeah it's our team dance!" Leela said. "Ok red team. Do you have a team dance?" Eric asked. They stood quiet and Jae pointed to Amber while she pointed to Peniel. "Alright ok, that's great. We're really really excited about this game for red team. Who's gonna go first on the blue team?" Eric asked. "Jamie!" Ashley said. "Jamie come on through!" Eric said.

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