* Episode 2 of "HWAITING" *

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   (Ok y'all! Episode 2 of "Hwaiting!" I hope you guys will enjoy it)!

   After Leela and the rest of the idols finished with the first activity and wrapped up the first episode, they went to prepare for the second episode. Soon enough, the camera began rolling. "Welcome back to 'Hwaiting!'" Eric greeted, punching his fist in the air. "HWAITING!!!" Leela and the others screamed. "Your favorite game show with your favorite Kpop stars and your one and only most favoritest host ever, me, Eric Nam. How you been? How you doing?" Eric said. Leela, Ashley, Amber, and Peniel showed Eric off by pointing their hands at him. Peniel then stroked Eric's ear. "Hwaiting!" Peniel said playfully.

   "This is such a stressful job! I hope you guys enjoyed last week's episode, which was chaotic and hectic and very stressful for me and probably for you as well." Eric said to the viewers. "I heard we got more than a thousand likes on that video." Jamie said. Leela chuckled a bit. They didn't know how much likes they'd get because they were shooting all the episodes on the same day. "Yay!" Everyone cheered in unison. "We're famous!" Matthew exclaimed as Peniel shouted "hwaiting" once again. "All right we're famous guys. We're gonna go ahead and reveal your rankings. Rankings!" Eric said. Leela, Ashley, Jamie, and Amber had 1 point while Peniel, Jae, and Matthew didn't have any yet.

   "Today we'll be playing games in pairs or a trio. Your teamwork will be tested, friendships will be made or broken. But that's not on us. It's on you guys." Eric explained. Jamie and Amber started touching their fingers and tried making a shape when Eric called Jamie's name. "Who would you like to be on a team with?" Eric asked. "Eric!" Jamie said. Eric ignored her and spoke again. "Don't care! Alright we're gonna move on." Eric said. Jamie then hit Eric on his chest. Leela burst out laughing. "Oh my God Jamie!" Leela exclaimed. "I think you bruised my soul!" Eric said holding his chest. "Bruised your tiddies." Jamie said. "Tiddies?!" Matthew piped in excitedly, making everyone burst into laughter.

   "We're gonna be deciding teams based on drawing sticks." Eric explained. "Drawing sticks!" Peniel said at the same time as Eric. "Yes you are a genius!" Eric said and then continued explaining. "There will be either two sticks or three sticks for each color with three colors available in total. Whoever chooses the same color stick is your partner or partners today for the game." Eric explained. "Partner or partners today." Leela, Jamie, and Peniel said at the same time as Eric. "Can you guys read my mind?" Eric asked. "Yeah." Peniel answered.

   Soon enough, they got the drawing sticks with their colors on it. "All right ladies and gentlemen, please show us your sticks!" Eric said. They then showed their sticks to the camera. Ashley and Jamie ended up getting the same color which was red, meaning they were partners. "I got the yellow stick." Matthew said, holding up his. "BM!" Amber yelled. They both had the same color which was yellow, meaning they were partners. That lead down to Leela, Peniel, and Jae. The three of them had the blue stick, meaning they were partners. Peniel and Jae looked at each other and Jae threw his stick down as Peniel tried to break his. "Bruh I'm literally partnering with you guys too!" Leela yelled as she ran over. "Yay! My daughter's with us!" Jae yelled, hugging Leela. "I'm not allowed to break this right? Are we using these later?" Peniel asked. Amber handed back Jae's stick. "We're using these!" Eric yelled. "Oh shoot." Peniel said. "Don't break them! We are a low budget production! Look at my cue cards guys! They're not even proper squares!" Eric yelled. Leela couldn't stop laughing and went back to stand in her spot next to Ashley. "Ok now that you picked your stick, you know who your teammate or teammates are. Let's go change uniforms. Go change children!" Eric said. "Let's go!" Matthew yelled. Jamie ran near the camera and pretended to lift her hoodie up. "I don't consent to taking off my clothes!" Amber said. "Where do we go? Hey guys! Hey guys! Hey guys!" Peniel said, giggling after. "Peniel come on!" Leela yelled, grabbing Peniel's arm. Eric sat on the chair and looked to the camera. "I think I did this for nothing." Eric said in Korean. "There's no reason this should be this hard." Eric said but in English this time.

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