* Birthday *

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   (Alright! So in Korean time, it's Leela's birthday! In Korean time it's my birthday too so I'm uploading this today. Tomorrow though, look forward to something new! Enjoy this scenario)!

   Today was a very important day in the Stray Kids dorm. It was Leela's 17th birthday. The boys were pretty much so excited to spoil their maknae with extra love today. Her birthday was always a special day for them. Even if she didn't feel like that.

   Leela never treated her birthday as a special day. She used to until she was 6-years-old. When she turned 6, her family stopped celebrating her birthday and eventually, people had forgotten it. After that, Leela just treated her birthday as a regular day. Only difference was, her age was changing. She honestly never cared about her birthday and never sees it as a special day.

   Today, Leela was gonna hang out with a few friends, which gave the boys a perfect opportunity to set something up. "Bye boys! I'll see you later!" Leela said. "See later Leelee! Love you!" Chan said. "Love you too!" Leela said before leaving. Leela was gonna hang out with Jacob and Kevin from The Boyz today, which she was so excited about. She was gonna meet up in their dorm and they were gonna chill there.

   When she got there and texted the boys, almost immediately, the door opened to reveal Changmin on the other side of the door. "LEELA!" Changmin yelled. "CHANGMIN!" Leela yelled back. They hugged each other tightly and he brought Leela inside. "OH MY GOD HI LEELA!" Eric yelled. After Leela finished hugging Changmin, she hugged Eric. "Hi Eric!" Leela said. "Happy birthday little one!" Juyeon shouted. "Thank you!" Leela said. "You're 17 now! You're growing up too fast!" Changmin exclaimed. "You guys have known me for three years though." Leela giggled. "So?" Eric asked. Leela giggled again while shaking her head.

   After a moment, Jacob and Kevin walked in. "MY BABY JOEY!!!" Kevin yelled. Leela ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Baecop!" Leela said excitedly, leaving Kevin's arms and hugging Jacob. "Alright we're going now! Have fun with them!" Changmin said. "Bye you two!" Leela said. The three of them eventually went over to the studio, where they would always hang out.

   They sat around in the studio and began talking. "So how does it feel to be 17?" Kevin asked. Leela shrugged. "I don't know. I feel the same. I feel no different than yesterday. Today's just a regular day for me." Leela said. "How so?" Jacob asked. "When I was 6, people stopped celebrating my birthday and eventually, they forgot about it. So gradually, I just stopped caring." Leela answered. Jacob and Kevin frowned hearing that. They didn't want Leela to feel like that.

   "Sunshine?" Jacob said, calling Leela by her newly earned nickname by him. "Hm?" Leela answered. "Catch." Jacob said, throwing a bag of chocolate at her. "OH SHIT!" Leela yelled after being caught off guard. She catched the chocolate. "Damn Jacob I told you to give it to her not throw it!" Kevin said, laughing. "Yay chocolate!" Leela exclaimed. She opened up the bag and ate one. She offered some to Jacob and Kevin. "Thanks Leelee." Kevin said. "Thank you both for the chocolate!" Leela said. The two boys smiled at her, feeling happy to see how excited she was at the chocolate.

   "Hey baby joey! Look what I made for you!" Kevin said, pulling out something from his pocket. It was a bead bracelet. Leela knew how much Kevin liked making them. "Thank you so much Kevin!" Leela exclaimed as he put it on her left wrist. "It looks like yours!" Leela said. "I know! You liked mine so I made one similar." Kevin said. Leela hugged him tightly. She turned amd hugged Jacob tightly, feeling completely grateful that these two amazing boys exist in her life.

                         Leela's Bracelet  

                         Leela's Bracelet  

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MIN LEELA// Stray Kids 9th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now