xxii. whoops

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" guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death

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" guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death. "
coco chanel


IF YOU WERE TO ASK Grace Fawley how she ended up in Sirius Black's bed on the morning of November second, she would tell you she didn't know.

She was grieving the loss of her dead boyfriend, and had ended up at a bar, where Sirius also happened to be, grieving the loss of his brother and in a general state about the whole Remus situation. One thing had led to another, shots mostly, and a few jagerbombs, and then they had somehow ended up in Sirius' room, and with both of them craving another's touch, certain things had gone down. The fact that Sirius looked quite similar to Regulus was enough for Grace in her drunken state, and Sirius was just lonely.

Grace blinked a few times, clutching her head. It was pounding madly, the amount of alcohol she had consumed the night previously coming back to bite her in the arse. She stared at Sirius' asleep figure beside her, paling slightly at their clothesless states. The last nights events were hazy, the last thing she remembered fully was taking a shot of firewhiskey off of someone's chest.

Had they slept together?

"Sirius." Grace whispered, shaking Sirius roughly awake. Sirius groaned, pulling the duvet over his head.

"Five more minutes James." He mumbled. "Someone else can go on the order mission."

"It's not James you idiot." Grace hissed. "It's me." Sirius emerged from under the blanket, staring at Grace like she had three heads.

"What're you doing here?" Sirius said. "Oh— oh shit."

"That's one word for it." Grace muttered.

"Did— did we... you know... shag?"

"Well, considering I have no clothes on, you have no clothes on, and we are in your bed, one can assume so." Grace said, smiling wryly. "I remember fuck all."

"Same here." Sirius murmured, the last thing he remembered was suggesting a drinking competition — not the smartest idea apparently.

"What do we do now?" Grace said.

"We forget this ever happened." Sirius said. "We were just friends who got a little bit too drunk and shagged, no big."

"Right, no big." Grace said. "And no one can know, right?"

"Right." Sirius agreed. "Now we just have to get you out without anyone seeing you, shouldn't be too hard."

"Great." Grace said. Neither of them moved. "Uh, Sirius?"


"Could you turn around whilst I um..."

"Oh shit, sorry. Yeah." Sirius said, his cheeks red as he shifted so he was facing away from Grace. Grace hastily pulled her clothes on, thanking Merlin that she had worn jeans last night instead of a dress. Sirius hurriedly pulled on some joggers that lay discarded on the floor.

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