xxi. such a fool

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" there are so many things i would fix if i could go back in time

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" there are so many things i would fix if i could go back in time. "


REGULUS BLACK SAT AT his desk, his hands shaking slightly as he continued to write his ode to Grace Fawley. Words couldn't even begin to describe how in love he was, and he had been a fool to try and hide it for so long. He had been such a fool.

He didn't falter as he finished filling the book with everything he loved about her, with photos of them together, with little souvenirs from all of their secret dates. He was such a fool. He slipped a letter within the pages and closed the notebook, fastening it with a clasp.

He plucked a piece of parchment from the pile at the side of his desk and dipped his quill deep into the ink, a sad sort of smile on his lips as he began to write a letter he'd never send, already planning on stashing it under the mattress in a vain hope that the person it was addressed to would read it someday.

Dear Cass...


CASS FROWNED WORRIEDLY AS SHE skimmed the letter she had just received, the inked words filled with fear and desperation. It was from her mother of all people, but instead of the harsh, cruel words that she usually pelted Cass with in the letters she wrote a few times a month, they were careful, certainly not kind, but pleading.

I am aware that it is possible you may still be in contact with Regulus. I am asking you to tell me if you have seen, or heard from him in the last week. He has not returned home for six days, and I fear the worst. Please inform me if you hear from him.
Walburga C. Black.

Cass didn't think she had ever received such a non-confrontational letter from her mother, probably ever. Walburga must really have been desperate to have written to her. Cass wished she could write back saying she had heard from Regulus, that he was with her, or with—

Hold on, maybe he was with Grace.

Cass knew the both of them well, and the way that they blushed when the others name was even mentioned was enough to tell her that there was something going on between them. She shifted Lia on her hip, reaching for the phone. Lia was sucking happily on a dummy, playing with a stuffed elephant. Cass dialled Grace's number and held the receiver to her ear.

"Hello?" Grace's voice came from the other end, sounding muffled and like she'd been crying.

"Hi Grace, it's Cass." Cass said. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Grace said. "Are you?"

"Yes, uh — I was just phoning to ask if you'd heard from Reg this week?"

"No, I haven't." Grace's voice wavered. "He— he said he'd write but he hasn't. I haven't seen or heard from him for a whole week Cass, I'm scared."

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