ii. minnie's advice

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" what strange creatures brother are! "-jane austen, mansfield park

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" what strange creatures brother are! "
-jane austen, mansfield park


CASS TOOK A DEEP BREATH as she walked slowly up the path to the cottage belonging to Minerva McGonagall, aka the best woman, ever. After writing a carefully thought out letter to the professor, which she had replied to in less than an hour, Cass had been invited to McGonagalls small cottage in Perthshire. She raised her hand, knocking hesitantly on the worn wooden door.

It opened in minutes, Minerva smiling merrily at Cass. It was strange to see her out of her emerald robes, which had been exchanged for some black ones with flowers embroidered on them. Over the top of her robes, was a tartan apron, flour dusted down the front of it.

"Cassiopeia!" Minerva said. "It's so good to see you!"

"Good to see you too Minnie." Cass said, accepting the hug that Minerva offered her.

"Come in, come in." She said. "I was just going a bit of baking."

Cass stepped into the house, wiping her trainers on the doormat, certainly not wanting to trail mud through Minervas house. She paused for a moment, before deciding it was probably politer to just take her shoes off all together. She bent down to undo her laces.

"Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?" Minerva called. Her lips twitched into a smile. "Perhaps a gin?"

"You've been talking to James Potter, you have." Cass muttered. "I'll have a tea, please." Cass wandered though into the living room, shocked at how normal it was. She supposed, that as a student, she had never considered where Minnie might live, but here she was in her living room.

There were books, everywhere, the walls adorned with bookshelf after bookshelf, each one stuffed to full capacity. Cass smiled as she saw a picture of the Gryffindors from the class on '78 perched proudly on the mantelpiece, all of them grinning from ear to ear. Minerva bustled through with a tray of tea and biscuits.

"So, you mentioned you wanted some advice?" She said, taking a seat across from Cass on an armchair.

"Straight to the point, as usual Minnie." Cass said, reaching for some shortbread.

"Oh, that'll be a bit hot. It's not long out of the oven." Minerva said. "So, what's going on then? I was talking to James and Sirius at the order meeting, and they said you'd been acting different recently — disappearing for hours, coming back smelling of alcohol, Sirius mentioned you were fighting with Noah?"

"I swear when I get my hands on those idiots..." Cass muttered. "Telling tales on me like that, honestly."

Minerva raised her eyebrows, taking a long sip of her tea as she waited for Cass to begin. Cass sighed heavily.

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