iii. the need for vengeance

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MARLENE WAS ALONE. WELL, not alone per say, she was usually surrounded by people, but she was just so fucking lonely. She loved living with Grace, sure, and she loved Elena too, but it just wasn't the same.

It wasn't the same as Dorcas.

You could say that she was just living in the past, that she needed to move on. After all, it had been over a year since Dorcas had died. But it did nothing to settle Marlene's mind. She needed closure, but it was hard to get closure from a gravestone, and she couldn't exactly go and talk to Dorcas' family.

What she wanted, what she needed, was vengeance. She needed to hurt them the way they'd hurt her, but the problem was, she didn't think death eaters actually cared about anything other than whatever twisted regime they were helping to push.

For the time being, Marlene was just putting her all into order stuff; volunteering for more assignments, attending all the extra meetings there were, even doing her own research on the side. She was trying everything to distract herself, but the thought of revenge still lingered in her mind no matter what she did.

She knew it was a bad idea, going after Voldemort. It was practically a suicide mission, but she knew she wouldn't be able to rest, not properly, until he was dead. He had killed her, it was his fault she couldn't shake the feeling of rage, of guilt, that had just been sitting inside her.

She had been there when he'd done it. She could have done something to stop it, she should have done something. It was her fault.

Was she being unreasonable in thinking that? Of course she was. Deep down, she knew there was nothing she could have done to stop the words leaving his mouth, or to stop the spell hitting Dorcas, but there was always going to be the what if.

Marlene chewed her lip in thought as she stirred her coffee, barely registering the sound of the door and a distant greeting from the hall. It wasn't until Grace called her name that she snapped out of it.

"What?" she said, blinking a few times. "Oh, hi Sirius, what're you doing here?"

The corners of Sirius' mouth twitched upwards slightly as he looked Marlene up and down. "Came to drop Lena, didn't I?" he said, dropping into the chair across from her. "You look like shit, by the way." He grinned as he picked up a piece of toast from the rack.

"Wow, you really do know how to woo me." Marlene rolled her eyes.

"It's a gift."

"Clearly," Marlene murmurs. "I'll see you later."

"Where're you going?" Sirius asked.

"Out,"  Marlene replied shortly, downing the remainder of her coffee.

"Where to?" Sirius pressed.

"None of your business," Marlene said.

"It is my business, actually," Sirius said. Marlene raises an eyebrow.

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