If I Could Tell Her (Song/Next-Gen Short Story)

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Before you read this chapter, I want to remind you all this is my headcanon of the shadora kids. This is them in my version. They belong to E-Vay, not me. The song that I attached at the top doesn't belong to me either. Feel free to suggest any future short stories in the comments of either next-gen or current timeline for Aurora. I mostly did this for @Silverstreak27 and others who wanted something for next gen.


Nova, Itzy, and Spring (another sprite) were headed through main square of Hedgehog village. The sprites were squeaking out questions to him. He just replied, "I don't need much. I just need to get more supplies for Mom's crafting circle tomorrow." Itzy just squeaked back and rolled his eyes whilst Spring went and sat on his shoulder. "I'll maybe look at the dump while I'm at it. There are so many scraps in need of reuse."

   "What's up, Nova?" someone called. Nova looked to see his brother Zane and Dustin (Tails and Zooey's firstborn son to those who don't know)!

"Getting more crafting supplies." Nova answered. "Mom needs more paper scraps, empty toilet paper rolls, and you know that sort of thing." Itzy rolled his eyes while Spring zoomed around Zane and Dustin.

"Where's your sister, Dustin?"

"She didn't say. I'm guessing she went girl shopping with Piper and Ruby."

Zane and Nova looked at each other, then back at him. "'You guess'?" Zane asked. "You always know where she's at." "Did something happen?" Nova asked.

"Nothing happened." Dustin shrugged off. "Zane you were going to ask Nova something weren't you?"

"Oh yeah." Zane perked his head back at his brother. "Nove's, we're about to head to his dad's workshop to snoop around. We're also planning on snagging Dad's rocket shoes if we can. Wanna come along?"

Nova sweatdropped a little, and said, "No thank you. If Dad were to unleash all of chaos on someone, I'd rather it not be me."

"You had your chance. He'll never know what'll be coming. See ya!" Zane ran off in a millisecond, with Dustin running after him.

Nova and his sprites were headed to the library's trashcan until he heard crying. It was a girl, and it was...Caitlynn? The hedgehog followed the sound to the other outer side of the library walls. She was seen hiding behind her twin tails and knees.

Both Itzy and Spring hovered to her, and gently tapped her arms. She lifted her head a little, sniffling. "You okay, Katy?" Nova asked. She jerked her head in his direction, revealing red eyes and messed up hair. She wiped her eyes, and murmured, "I'm fine."

"No." Nova protested. "You're not. You can tell me what's wrong." He sat down next to her, and solemnly glanced at her. She didn't speak.

"I promise I won't tell anyone you've been crying. Cross my heart."

"It's my brother. We haven't been getting along well. Then he snapped after my dance recital last night." Cailtynn explained. She let out a few more tears. Coward. Nova thought out of frustration. The sprites hugged Caitlynn's head as she continued to sob.

"Hey, no tears." Nova gently told her while touching her shoulder. "What good would that do?" Caitlynn began to calm down. The hedgehog helped her up, and said, "Come on." Then the two slowly began walking around getting supplies.

(Start the music if you can)

"You know, he thought you were awesome." Nova informed.

"He thought was awesome; my brother?"

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