Chapter 2: Meet Shadow the Hedgehog

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"Dad! Will, you quit it? I'm old enough to actually go out on my own!" Aurora complained as her dad put on his running shoes. "You never know, Tiny. You might run into a creep that might try to keep you away from us. Or end up getting sucked into ugly moments. I mean, what if you run into another hedgehog-"

   Aurora snatched her dad's shoes away from his grasp and said to him as she looked at him straight in the eyes, "I appreciate you wanting to come with me. But I can assure you, I'm ready! I'm 20 years old, for Mobius' sake!" Sonic was about to protest until Amy Rose touched his shoulder and nodded her head. "She's ready, hon."

   Sonic nervously smiled at his daughter and took Amy to another room. After he closed the door, he faced his wife, and blurted out, "How is she ready? She's still a kid, you know!" "She knows the safety of running on her own. She knows what to do if she sees in a pickle or two."

   He sat on the couch, gazing at the floor. "I know." he whispered. "I just can't believe that my little Tiny is grown up." "I know. But you never know what will make her happy if you don't let her spread her wings into the world." Amy then gave her husband a kiss on the cheek.

   Sonic then took a deep breath, and grabbed his wife's hand, and smiled. "I suppose I should let her go, then." He opened the door, and as soon as he said, "You may go" Aurora zoomed out the door, saying, "Thanks, Dad! I'll be back in 20 minutes!" He gaped at her trail with wide eyes, he whispered, "Did she just-" "Just like you did when we were young." assured Amy, as she locked the front door.

Aurora was the daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose. She inherited the pink appearance, arm strength, and theatre interest from her mom. She inherited the long flared quills, super speed, and chaotic power from her dad. She was mostly into training with her dad all her life, since she always hoped that she'd be just like him. The times they go out, it was for her to enhance her abilities like her spin dash, super speed, etc. She also lights up in the dark. Well her clothes do, anyway. That's the reason why some call her Light, or Lightning Bug. She also likes to sing, but only if times are necessary. Like if she wanted to comfort someone (parents, Cream, her aunts' Sticks and Zooey, and uncles), or calm herself down when she's scared, or Cream. Since everyone always made fun of her talents. I'll tell the teasing story later.

   Another thing I can tell you about Aurora is that she always wanted to meet Shadow. As in, Shadow the Hedgehog. Sonic always speaks of how he's always tough, and really stubborn, is always a lone wolf, and who knows where he is? These tales always brought Aurora into interest, because he always sounded so mysterious, and she kind've thought that he was cute. She never told her dad that, because then he would freak and lecture her.

   Anyway, Aurora was enjoying her slice of freedom by speeding her way through the beautiful sandy beach and reaching Shadow Canyon. She smiled at the thought of the name of the place, took a deep breath, and sighed. I wish Shadow were here so I could race him across the canyon, she thought. Oh well. At least Dad finally let me out! I've been protected for too long. Come on! Enjoy this! Show everyone what you got!

   Aurora then started dashing at the top of the canyon, feeling free like a raging lion. She liked it. No Dad, no Eggman. Just the breeze and the sky for the company. "Woohoo! Yes!" she shouted full of joy as she jumped over a rock with her super speed. She laughed as she kept doing all sorts of tricks as she sped up. 

   All of a sudden, she felt as if a pair of eyes were looking at her. She wanted to look, but she automatically remembered what her dad had told her like a thousand times on their previous runs, Always pay attention, if you don't you're sure to be in a heap of trouble. 

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