Chapter 24: A Talk Between Friends

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Aurora tried to ignore Shadow's silent treatment as the rest of the day went on. Dinner for instance, he wasn't even there. (I honestly don't even know if Shadow eats very often, knowing that he's the Ultimate Lifeform.) 

   At least Ember and Itzy had a blast. They ate all they desired, and the twins even found them humorous while Bliss just played around with her food with her psychokinesis. 

   After dinner, everyone was nearly ready for bed. They had to deal with another one of those temporary "quakes", before they even brushed their teeth. Aurora volunteered to tuck in Blitz and Aster. They were antsy at first, but when she sang a little lullaby, they slept like babies. 

   I remember when mom used to sing to me whenever I was scared or couldn't sleep. Aurora remembered as an image from her childhood passed through her head. An image of when both her parents would sit on her bed, one with a guitar in hand, and the other holding the scared little child. 

   Blinking tears away, Aurora brought herself to focus on finding Shadow. He hasn't shown himself since he brought Ember and Itzy back. I wonder how Sora is doing. I wonder how dad is doing. 

   Aurora silently closed the door behind her, and began to search around the castle halls. Gruff did find her, and asked, "Whatcha' doin' so late, missy?" "Looking for someone." Aurora replied, scanning the hallway for a black and red striped hedgehog. Nowhere. 

   "Well, be sure to turn in soon. Not safe ou' here this time o' night, ya' know?" Gruff said just before he walked away. 

   "I will. Good night sir." Aurora replied, right before she dashed away, to search in all the rooms. Unless they were occupied, of course. After literally 2 minutes of searching, there was one room left to look. The royal balcony. 

   Surely enough, when Aurora went up to the balcony, there he was. She saw him stare at the sky as his quills swayed to the breeze brushing against him. 

   Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just blame you for everything...I've had enough of your foolery...Shadow's words echoed in her head. Aurora started to have second thoughts. She still hadn't forgiven him for saying those things, or treating her the way he has. That was what lead her to yelling that her mom was gone. 

   Aurora was about to tip toe away until Shadow said to her, "Don't think I can't hear you, Aura." 

   Aurora froze in her tracks, and turned her head towards him as his eyes stared at her. But then he fixed his gaze back at the blazing red stars. "What do you want?" 

   The pink hedgehog realized that there was no way out of this now. She stood up straight, walked to his right, and leaned on the balcony. "I came to check on you." Shadow crossed his arms, and closed his eyes. "Hmph. Why so?" 

   "Because I'm a full-grown woman who can make her own choices." Aurora bluntly replied. Shadow gave off a soft chuckle. Aurora couldn't help but softly laugh along, and nudge him. There was silence that hung around. 

   After about two minutes, Aurora gently mumbled to Shadow, "What happened down there? Did Shard do anything to you?" 

   "No, she didn't do anything to me." 

   Aurora looked at his face. It was full of hurt and anger. She then looked back at the stars. She again saw the Shadow constellation, and remembered when everyone was wandering in the forest. She stared at the star Shadow's eyes, and looked at the Shadow who was standing next to her. 

   "You can't hide from me. Everybody has feelings. Even you, smart guy." she said when she poked his arm. "I'm fine. You have no need to take pity on me." Shadow replied, shrugging her away. 

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