Chapter 18: Even More Trouble

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 Hope you like Laney Jones' "Run Wild"! Make sure to give credit to this particular singer's work. Thank you!


Aurora was absolutely stunned at how talented and tough these two kids were. They were also a really good team, she could tell! But how in all the world of Mobius was Blitz able to pull off a Chaos Spear!? She had to be related to Shadow, she knew that! Same with Aster's teleportation and skating skills! At every moment, them both kept reminding Aurora of her dear Shadow. 

   Thoughts of curiosity swarmed Aurora's mind as Sora was working her magic to create a shield that would protect everyone who was chasing the two chaotic twins. As soon as they were done showering them with spears, Aurora whispered to Ember as she kept on running, "Buckle up." Despite all the pain, the wolf managed to put up a grin, and replied, "Do it, woman." 

   With all her strength, Aurora threw Ember into the air towards the two. He suddenly did like a spin dash, but full of flames, then he headed for Aster with the chaos emerald. The hedgehog just teleported for where he hovered (that's right, he has hover boots), to right behind him, and punched him as he threw the gem to Blitz. 

   Thinking quickly, Aurora ordered Sora and Itzy, "Itzy, power me up! Sora! Make sure she doesn't get the emerald!" Immediately she felt something engrain in her chest as she threw Sora ahead, who used her staff to create a shield over the chaos emerald as it glistened brightly in the starry night. 

   Ember meanwhile dropped to the ground on his feet, and Aurora swept past him. Then he caught up, using his fire boost, leaving a huge trail of fire & flames behind him. 

   "Oh no you don't, missy!" Aurora said as she swiftly released an enerbeam at Blitz's hand that was super close to even touching the shield that Sora set up. Aurora spin dashed her down, but then she was suddenly smacked in the face by this girl. Pain engulfed her face.

   "You got big muscle, young lady!" she commented as she looked at Sora, who was then knocked down by Aster, who caught the jewel as soon as the forcefield dissipated, smirking. Then Ember boosted at him out of nowhere, and Aster dropped the gem. Aurora and Blitz looked at each other, and they both dashed for it. 

   Aurora kept a good grip on Blitz's hand with the enerbeam from her hand (thanks to Itzy), but the little girl proved her wrong by grabbing her side of the energy rope, and swung the pink hedgehog into the air as if she were a feather! Causing her to let go of the enerbeam, releasing the girl. 

   Aurora watched as Blitz sped up to the emerald, and caught it. She stuck her tongue out at Aurora, totally irritating her. Recovering quickly, she dashed towards Blitz, and when she reached within 3 feet of her, she used her ears and dodged one of Aster's blows by ducking her head back, and he ended up punching Blitz instead, in the face. 

   Blitz let go of the emerald, in order to nurse her face. Holding the emerald in place, Aurora sympathetically looked at the little girl's face as Aster stopped to look at her. "Blitz are you okay?" he asked as he reached for her shoulder. His sister kept gasping for air as her hands covered her face. Aurora couldn't help but stare at her. Seeing her injured, felt big, and sad. 

   Finally Aurora was released from Itzy's power up, and Ember & Sora went to her. "Come on! This is our chance to escape!" Ember whispered. Treat others with compassion. Even if they're your enemies. Amy's voice echoed in Aurora's head. Imagine what it's like for them. 

   The pink hedgehog just stood there, debating. She might've caused Blitz to accidentally chip a tooth, due to the way she was acting. But she and her brother put up an awesome fight. Just like Shadow would if he were to battle her. 

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