Chapter 28: What Have We Missed?

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Thud! In pain, Aurora found herself back on the ground. That wasn't shaking this time. It was also still daylight out. It was the afternoon. 

   Aurora's head hurt remembering how Ember got trapped into the Special Zone. When Shard shoved him through the portal and broke it. So he wasn't able to return home. Then wondering how the Sol Dimension dwellers are fairing in the Special Zone. Wondering if everyone in her world were still alive aside from her own mother. Wondering if her father was alright.  

   Hey, if Ember is with the royal family, he'll probably be okay. 

   The pink hedgehog opened her eyes to see herself still flat on the ground. She looked around to also see Sora on the ground, Itzy hovering in her face squeaking a bunch of nonsense. But the bat didn't move an inch. Just softly snoring. 

   Wait, where's Shadow? Aurora turned her head to see Shadow laying on the ground with his arm around her back. Holding the Chaos Emeralds in the other. She sighed with relief. He had brought her out of that destroyed world, and brought her back home. A land of comfort. He was here. By her side. 

   Wait. What?! Aurora thought, shocked at the position she was in, suddenly dealing with a sharp pain in her ears. Great. Shard's stupid bracelet had to add up to my most recent injuries!

   Hotly blushing. She got up letting his hand drop back to the ground when she completely stood up. He seemed to be unconscious too. He wasn't moving. 

   Itzy glided to her, giving her the stink-eye, crossing his arms. Irritated, Aurora turned to him and pointed her finger at him saying, "You are not to speak of us." 

   The little sprite just shrugged, and zoomed over to her shoulder. The pink hedgehog looked all around her, and recognized the island that she left. Where Queen Sally and her troop dwelt. 

   Wait, the Domination Slayers! Their camp is probably close by. Aurora thought, looking around in this ruin-like place. There were explosion marks all over the grass, and quite a few trees toppled onto their sides. 

   It was like their battle with Infinite and Shard, but they weren't at the beach. Aurora shook her head, and shook Shadow to wake him up. He groaned, and lifted his head. He lifted his chest off the ground, and rubbed his head for a minute. 

   "What's going on?" he asked, looking up. He faced her, and widened his eyes. Looking away, Aurora replied, "We all made it safely." The image of Ember and Shard made her add, "Sort've." 


Shadow's head and ears hurt really bad as he remembered what just happened. Due to how worried and awkward Aura's expression looked from the side, he must've passed out after pulling her through the portal here. Then wrapping his arms around her to ensure that she was protected more. 

   Then they were all here. Shadow saw Itzy staring at him atop the pink hedgehog's shoulder. So many things passed through his mind, but he focused himself to just figure out where at home they were. 

   He struggled to stand up, and she helped him up. They gave each other another look before swiftly pulling back their hands. Knowing that they nearly kissed until Blaze interfered. Heart beating fast, Shadow looked around for Sora. She was lying a few feet away. 

   Aurora walked to her and positioned one of her arms around her neck. Shadow continued to look at her, who was still stressing out after that trip to the Sol Dimension. He walked to Sora's other side, and wrapped her other arm around his neck. With Volt leaping off Aurora's shoulder and disappearing off somewhere. Shadow sighed, and dipped his head. That's starting to become common with him. 

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