Chapter 4: Distant

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Aurora and Shadow kept on going on runs for 3 months, chasing each other around, or doing lots of races, and protecting each other in the process. They've also started liking each other more. But as each practice went on, Shadow grew more and more distant. For example, in one practice he taught Aurora how to skate as he does.

Aurora jumped up and down as she waited for Shadow to turn around from staring into the sky. She watched as the wind blew against him, and he turned around, holding something. He then walked towards her holding a box behind his back.

   She walked towards him, and as she jumped around, she asked, "What do you got there, Shadow?" Shadow held up the box towards her, and said, "Why don't you find out for yourself?" Aurora blushed and grabbed the gift. She opened it and saw roller blades coated in green and decorated in blue flowers. The wheels were also pink along with the straps and gems that stuck on the wheels. She gasped. It was beautiful!

   "I'm not making a new pair." Shadow was interrupted by Aurora when she said, "I love them! Don't even think about making me another pair!" She dropped her blades and gave Shadow a hug. She felt slowly hug her back. 

   But after a couple of seconds, he let go, and said, "Aurora? Not a big fan of physical contact." Aurora instantly backed up a few steps and put her hands behind her back, and awkwardly said, "I'm sorry. It's just that I...I...well..."

   "I can just demolish those new kicks if you-"

   "Right! Of course!" Aurora perked herself up and put on her skates. After standing on them, she immediately struggled for balance and she accidentally rolled over to Shadow and grabbed his right hand for balance. She looked at him and realized what she just did, and quickly let go.

   "I'm so sorry, Shadow! I didn't mean-" she fell to the ground on her face. She turned herself over and facing Shadow, who was giving her a smug look. He placed his hand on her back and brought her to a sitting position. He joined her by crouching in the same manner. 

   "Let's start with the basics. Watch and learn."

   Aurora tried getting up like she usually did when she got knocked down, and got ready to run, but her feet just ended up just rolling and getting back to the way they were. "You should remember that skating isn't running. This is how you do it the Ultimate way.

   "You put your feet on both sides of yourself." Shadow placed his right foot on his right side, and his left foot on his left side. Aurora did the same. "Place your right foot and your left hand on the ground." Shadow then put his right foot and left hand on the ground. Again, Aurora did the same. "Now, what?" she asked, glancing at Shadow. Waiting for another instruction. "Then you push up and place your left foot on the ground." Shadow stood up. Aurora did the same, and she stood up!

   "I did it!" she screamed as she smiled at Shadow. He lightly blushed. But he shrugged it off. 

   Later on, Shadow taught Aurora how to glide and move as she skated. "Push with your right as your left stands straight, then you're left with your right, right, left, and so forth. Don't forget to swipe your arms around, too." he told her as he watched her.

   Aurora looked at her feet as she did this, but she ended up wobbling. Luckily, Shadow ended up catching her in time. He looked at her and said, "Try not to look down when you skate. Like when you're running." Shaking, Aurora nodded. She protested, and said, "But what if I still fall?"

   "You'll know what to do."

   So the two hedgehogs practiced gliding together. Then they practiced their breaks. Aurora thanked Shadow for introducing rollerblading to her. "Honestly, I'd prefer sneakers rather than rollerblades. But I'll make sure to practice this new hobby! It's about as much fun as it is with running!" 

   Aurora was about to hug Shadow, then stopping herself after what he said about physical contact. But Shadow seemed to notice her action, because he went up to her and said, "Fine. But just this once." Aurora jumped on him, and gave him a very tight hug, making his cheeks heat up as he patted her on the back.

   Suddenly he turned away and pushed Aurora away, gazing at the sun. "Everything okay?" Aurora asked as she rolled towards him. "None of your concern." Shadow had snapped back. 

Another time, Shadow brought Aurora to his cave where he usually stays. "So this is where you live?" she asked, gazing around his home. As she observed his home, Shadow added, "I know it's not much. But to me, it's where I call home."

   Aurora then walked to Shadow, and said, "It's beautiful! All the pretty lights, and unique shapes!" Aurora then spotted a pile of blue sapphires at the corner of the cave. She reached for them, until Shadow snatched her hand, and snapped, "Don't touch them!"

   Shocked, Aurora stepped away, and said, "What? What did I do?" Shadow then placed his hands behind him, and looked away. "You better go. Before I do something that I'll regret."

   Aurora went to grab his left shoulder, saying, "Shadow-" But the black and red hedgehog whisked his head at her with anger, and what looked like tears in his eyes. He then said, "ARE YOU DEAF?!?! I SAID LEAVE!!!" 

   Giving Shadow a widened eye look, Aurora left the cave. Before she dashed back home, she glanced behind her and saw Shadow picking up a little blue sapphire, and clutching it to his heart. She then heard soft sniffling.

   Is he seriously crying? thought Aurora, feeling affectionate for the way he felt. What could possibly be going on with him? I mean, he's 'Shadow!'

   Before she could get caught spying on him, Aurora dashed home. But she never told her mom about what she saw in the cave. 

Now that I've shown you enough examples, I'll tell you what's happening now. Aurora was in the forest, by the cave where she normally meets Shadow. After waiting for 5 minutes, she went inside the cave and called out for him. But all she heard was silence and she didn't see him. She looked all over, and still she didn't see him.

   Where could that hedgehog be? she wondered. She then looked all over the forest, then the beach, and lastly the canyon. She shrugged to herself, and said, "I guess he's busy today. Might as well head home and try to memorize dad's favorite chili dog recipe again."

   As soon as she said that, she heard lots of screams coming from her village. Then, she heard her mom's scream, "AURORA!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" This was normally the tone her mom used when she really needed her or when they're about to escape something tragic.

   What could be happening? wondered Aurora. She then spin dashed all the way to Hedgehog Village, to see her home falling apart, and the citizens all knocked to the ground, badly injured. The only ones who were struggling to stand up were her uncle Tails and his wife Zooey, uncle Knuckles, aunt Sticks with her boomerang, her dad Sonic with his super speed, and her mom with her hammer.

   They were all facing a black and red colored hedgehog. 

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