Chapter 21: A Few Chaotic Explanations

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Featuring wattpad user @Bliss-The-Hedgehog. 

   Be sure to check out her work on her page. Enjoy the chapter, folks! 


"How do you know our names?!" Shadow boomed, narrowing his eyes at the cat queen. Aurora just stared at her, full of suspicion. They had just heard that they were in the Sol Dimension, and one of their rulers just now called the two hedgehogs by their own names, when they didn't even introduce themselves yet! 

   "Some things are just best left unexplained." the cat woman replied. Was she psychic like Sora was? Is she a spy? Shadow thought, as he fought the urge to pound this woman. He waited for an answer from the queen as she took a deep breath.

   "I know you come from another realm, you two hedgehogs." she wheezed, holding her belly. She then pointed towards Shadow, making him gaze at her hand. "Especially you." 

   Shadow just stared at her hand, and glared even more, giving off a low grumble. 

   "Just tell us why you wanted to speak with us, your highness." Aurora interrupted. Queen Blaze turned to the pink hedgehog, making her correct herself. "I mean, Queen Blaze." 

   Blaze continued to gaze at the two hedgehogs as she rubbed her pregnant belly, and ordered, "Have a seat." Aurora dashed and grabbed a two-seated chair, sitting down afterwords. While Shadow gave off a pfft and stayed standing up, glaring at her. 

   Looking at the queen in the eyes to see what she was thinking, Shadow could see flames bursting in the amber irises. But he could also see anger in them. And fear. 

   Fear for what?

   Shadow may not care for others, but he might need to stay on his soft side for awhile if he wanted to get answers if she knew where Rouge and Shard were. There was also a big possibility that she knows where the two chaos emeralds were. But how did the purple emerald even get here? What was even going on?

   Groaning with regret and embarrassment, he walked over to the chair that Aurora grabbed, and sat in the seat next to her, making him feel more awkward as the warm feeling swirled inside him again, as it did when he held her hand earlier. 

   He made sure Aura didn't draw unwanted trouble like they had earlier. But also part of him had just wanted to do it so he wouldn't lose her like he did with Rouge and Maria. So he could feel, what was the word?

   As he sat next to Aurora, he wanted to hold her hand again. But he remembered his feelings for Rouge and his mission, even if she broke up with him years ago. So he disregarded the hand-holding intention with Aurora. He looked up towards the queen, and said, "We're listening." 

   He felt Aurora just stare at him in shock. He couldn't blame her. He felt dead inside, using compassion, when normally he would use aggression to get his way. 

   "We need your help." Blaze rubbed her belly, and used all her strength to pull herself up to sitting up, legs draped over the side. 


"Our help?" Aurora repeated, placing her hand on her chest, just below the neck, completely confused. We get locked up like we're the most dangerous criminals everybody's ever known, and yet she's asking for our assistance? she thought as she continued to stare at Blaze. Maybe it's all part of the funny business of being with child? 

   "Yes. I'm pretty sure I said that in a straight forwardly manner, didn't I?" Blaze replied, giving the two hedgehogs the stern face that queens normally wear. "What do you want with us?" Shadow asked, as he stood up out of his chair. "Why are we here?!" 

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