Bonus Chapter: Crash Course at a Facility

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Shadow skated as fast as he could to the location of Lyric's old weapon facility. The place of his accidental trip to the near future when he saw her. But she wasn't exactly the reason he was coming here. He was looking for something that would help build up his revenge plot against Team Sonic. 

   Typical Shadow. -_-

   Shadow hid in the trees, checking if there were anybody loitering or lurking around. "All clear." he said to himself. He teleported to the entrance, and the entrance was still ajar since his battle with Sonic. That faker is like a snail with doors. How else did I sneak in last time? 

   The image of the pink girl popped into his head. He shook the memory away, and refocused himself. This was payback time to the team for taking his ex away, and to prove he wasn't going to return without a fight. 

   The black hedgehog walked into the facility, and started looking. According to those Ancient written inscriptions from their old cave, there should be a suit that can triple one's chaotic capacity. 

   Shadow found a computer, and commenced his hacking. This all reminded him of Space Colony ARK and you-know-who as well. It made his heart speed up out of sadness, but he kept his emotions in check. 

   "What have you come for now, Shadow the Hedgehog?" someone asked from behind. He turned around to see MAIA hovering before him. 

   "Nothing concerning you." he replied with a grunt. "I'm just passing through."

   "You are looking for the suit of Chaotic Strength. I'm sorry but someone else has been looking for the same armor, and she is almost there." 

   "Out of my way, smart mouth." Shadow then zoomed past the machine, not wanting this yahoo to take the key weapon before he did. Eventually he dashed his way across a doorway, and he zoomed back to it to see what was behind the door. 

   There it was, the suit of Chaotic Strength. It was just his size and fit for a hedgehog like him, with golden rings at the wrists. "With this, I'll dispose of that blue nudnik and his weak little forces for sure. Maybe I can start off with kidnapping his kid." Shadow confirmed with a chuckle. He went up to it and grabbed it until another pair of hands grabbed it too. 

   He turned to see a brown and cream colored female rabbit lurking behind the armor. The girl just gasped, and stepped back. She kept on stuttering, "I-I-It's really you! Sh-Sha-Shadow!" 

   "You're about to take my merchandise, little girl. At the wrong place." Shadow marched to her, preparing to eliminate her. He raised his fist (getting ready to chaos spear her here) to her face as she backed away and tripped into a corner. "What are you going to do to me? Please don't kill me Mr. Shadow-kun!" she begged, holding her hands together in a pleading manner.

   "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't!" 

   "I was just...just...I was just trying to find an addition to a birthday gift I'm making! Please! I didn't meant to stumble into your territory." 

   Shadow's wrist started to glow a bright green, he was close to-

   "I'M SORRY! I JUST WANTED TO DO SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR MY BEST FRIEND!" that was when the poor girl started bawling her eyes out as she glued her hands to her face. "IT'S HER SWEET SIXTEEN!"

   Shadow looked at his victim full of skepticism. Her face looked exactly like Maria's just before she was shot. "Give them a chance, will ya handsome?" Rouge's voice repeated through his ears. He took a deep breath and took one more look at the girl. Who was still shedding all those tears. She's not worth it. 

   "Alright, quit your whining. Get up." Shadow ordered, lowering his fist. The girl calmed herself down and stood up slowly. She dried up her face. 

   "Take what you need!" Shadow snapped, pointing at the armor. "Just leave and don't tell anyone you saw me. Alright? No one needs to know of my whereabouts." 

   The rabbit ran to the suit, took the rings off, and fled. Without looking back. 

   Shadow crossed his arms, and remembered Rouge. She would've let her take what she wanted, depending on what it was. The stubborn hedgehog looked at the armor, and saw it completely different. It was just some worthless piece of scrap. 

   Lost the urge. After kicking the armor to the ground, he transported himself out of the facility. There's always a way to end someone's life. 


"Open it, Light!" the rabbit insisted, holding out a wrapped up box. She and her friend were hanging out in her hut. Which was full of sprite posters, and applications to animal rescue shelters. The birthday girl who was a pink hedgehog excitedly hugged her best friend, and opened the gift. It was a beautiful yellow jacket, with glowing green wrists. The perfect colors to go with her new pink and lime green skirts! 

   "Do you like it? It's special, just like you!" 

   Overjoyed, the 16-year old pink hedgehog put on the jacket, and hugged the rabbit one more time. The jacket immediately started to glow a bright yellow. "I love it, Cream! I'll never take it off!" 

   (2 months later) 

   A coffin was being carried to the end of the room during the funeral. When it did, Light couldn't help but sob over the loss of her best friend. She looked at Cream's picture, and wrapped her arms around her birthday jacket that she wore over her black dress. It was raining outside. 

   Her parents, Uncle Tails, Uncle Knuckles, and Aunt Sticks hugged her as they cried too. Cream was a really good friend to everyone. Even Eggman and his bots came to everyone's condolence! 

   As Light blinked out tears with her family as her jacket started to glow a deep blue. And black. 

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