Chapter 7: A Chaos Emerald?!

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"What are you talking about?" asked Aurora, as she observed the beautiful green gem she was holding. It looked very familiar, due to the stories and pictures her parents showed her.

   "You're really that stupid enough not to know what that is you're holding at the moment?" she heard Shadow comment. She glared at him, and replied, "I'm thinking about it! My parents showed me pictures of gems like this. This looks a lot like a Chaos crystal, except..."

   She then gasped and realized exactly what this was she was holding! "This is one of the seven Chaos Emeralds! Dad told me that this can give an individual unlimited power!" she screamed, as she hugged it to her chest. "Now you're catching on. Now if you'll be so kind as in handing it to me."

   Aurora then heard Shadow zoom towards her and she was suddenly knocked to the ground, and the Chaos Emerald she held was gone!

   She then looked at Shadow as he held the gem in his hands, tossing it in the air and catching it. Full of fury, she got up, and screamed, "Get back here, you thief!" She then dashed after him down the hill, and when she caught up with him, she tried to snatch the Chaos Emerald away from him, but he was suddenly gone!

   Aurora stopped, and looked all around her. Where could that hedgehog be? she thought. And how dare he shoved me to the ground like that!? 

   Then, an image of one of her training sessions with Sticks popped into her head. She had been learning how to battle with her eyes blindfolded. "Everybody normally trusts their eyes, but sometimes it's best to trust your ears. The simpleminded would never use this technique. Prove and show your inner warrior, Lightning Bug!" explained Sticks as she was walking around a 12-year-old Aurora.

   The young hedgehog then closed her eyes, and began to listen carefully for her auntie, and as she heard Sticks' footsteps around her, she followed them, and landed a punch to the stomach, and by accident, to the face.

   When she took the blindfold off, she saw poor Sticks lying on the ground. She ran to her, and she cried saying, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" "That was amazing! You really are a feisty little one! A strong little hedgehog! Just like your parents!" Sticks exclaimed in her raspy voice as she got up, and gave Aurora a hug. 

   As Aurora's memory sucked back into her brain, she closed her eyes. It's worth a shot. For aunt Sticks, anyway. she thought as she listened carefully for the familiar hover sound that Shadow normally makes. Then, she picked up something that was to her left.

   She moved to her left, and suddenly she had a feeling that she was heading towards a tree, so she jumped and was climbing up a trunk. After reaching a branch, she opened her eyes and found Shadow jumping off the branch he was standing on (which was one branch above her), and zoomed away with the Chaos Emerald. 

   She chased after him, and when he used his teleportation skills, she would use her ears to locate where he was. "I still don't understand why you want this so badly. After all, I'm the one who found this."

   Aurora scoffed, and replied, "Puh-lease. I found it first, because I saw it fall on your head! So technically, I found it first!" Then, Aurora jumped at Shadow when he wasn't looking, and as they fell, she took the gem from him, and said, "Finders, keepers!"

   Then, they landed with a thump on the ground, with Aurora on top of Shadow. 


She's more strong and clever than I intended, thought Shadow as he embraced the pain he had on his back. He looked at Aurora as she smiled at him. "I thought you said you didn't want to hurt me, Pinky." he commented, as he assertively smiled at her.

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