Chapter 35: Searching & Learning

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In a flash, Sonic, Tiny, Blitz, Shard, and Itzy were in a deep woodland area. Sonic ran a quick lap, and saw that there was no one around. He approached everyone again, and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to get some shut-eye." 

   Aurora agreed, and yawned. "It has been a long day. Whaddya say we set up camp for the night?" 

   Itzy spritzed up in excitement, while Blitz shrugged her shoulders, Shard staying quiet. Then the two glared at each other, and looked away. Have they met? Aurora wondered, looking at them. 

   The group set a fire, and made a lean-to from an old hole in a tree and branches to cover the opening. 

   Sonic and Itzy went out looking for food, and when they came back with nuts and berries, Shard just excused herself and went out to do her business. Blitz just indulged her eyes to the flames, and said, "I'm not hungry." 

   Aurora, Sonic and Itzy traded looks at each other. The pink hedgehog walked over to her, and sat with her on the ground. She's probably not used to being without her brother. 

   Aurora touched Blitz' shoulder, and said in a motherly tone, "You should eat something. You've dealt with more stress than us." But the young hedgehog just slapped her hand away, yelling, "Hands off! I'm just not hungry, okay?" 

   That reaction reminded Aurora of however Shadow felt at first when they started to hang out. Sometimes when she got too close, he would slap her hand away when he was upset. The other times when he was in a good mood he wouldn't mind her hugs. He also hardly ate anything, come to think of it. Again, Blitz looked almost exactly like Shadow. 

   Maybe if she is adopted, and time travel was possible, what if she was his daughter, and her twin brother was his son? It would make so much sense! Tell that to those red beady ninja eyes the three carried! 

   Blitz just got up, ran to the lean-to, and laid down. Aurora's jacket had glown a bright blue. She couldn't help but feel bad for her, I mean she had been separated from her lifelong best friend thanks to her. 

   All I can do is leave her alone, for now. Sorry... Aurora remembered whenever she was upset, her parents would leave her alone to rant, then cool off later on. It helped. 

   Sonic, Itzy and Aurora shared their snack, and everything was quiet. Until Shard came back, and teased Blitz by saying, "Not so strong without your big brother, huh? I can see why Pinky chose to separate you two." 

   "Shut up!" 

   "That's not true!" Aurora confronted the meerkat. 

   "Sora and Sally agreed to it too." Shard continued, as if she didn't hear them. 

   "On second thought, I want to play tag!" Blitz got up and spin-dashed toward Shard. She was an inch close to punching her until Aurora and Sonic were quick enough to grabbing her arms to stop her. 

   10 exhausting minutes later, everybody was settling down. Blitz was sleeping in a corner, Aurora slept next to her, Itzy was flying around keeping watch, and Shard was sleeping in the middle of the room. On the other corner, for sake of space for the ladies, Sonic slept there. But he missed his hammock and bed. The floor isn't as comfortable as them two. 

   Aurora's claustrophobia would come in if the open space was closed.

   Anyways, she had another nightmare. This time, seeing a girl working with the man again, and ice sculptures everywhere. Only those statues were actual friends who were frozen! Blaze, Silver,  Uncle Knuckles, Aunt Sticks, a family of chipmunks, and even Queen Sally! Poor Sora was being tortured, and slapped. Her staff seemed to be taken away, and her hood off. Revealing messy blonde hair. 

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