Chapter 1: Meet Aurora the Hedgehog

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Aurora the Hedgehog does NOT belong to me at all. She belongs to E-Vay on Tumblr. Her artwork is outstanding, I suggest you go and check it out. The shipping Shadora also wasn't created by me; E-Vay.

I just added Aurora as one of the main characters of my story; alongside Shadow. I also added a few OCs, made up a few characters, and added SEGA sonic characters (Amy Rose, Sonic, Cream, Rouge, Knuckles, Shadow, Tails, etc.) to help add up the plot.


Shadow was sitting in his cave, as usual giving himself some quiet time. He was plotting on his next attack on his rival and enemy Sonic.

   Message to those of you who are new to the sonic franchise: Sonic is a hedgehog, like Shadow, but they're very complete opposites, and they both rival each other's powers. Note that they practically hate each other. Shadow, who on one hand is immortal, even if he was a million years old (which he's not), he would still stay young. A little like Edward from Twilight, but in a hedgehog sense. He's got hover skates that allow him to skate as fast as Sonic's super speed. Shadow is super serious, and a big fuddydud. He hardly ever even chuckles for humorous reasons! He just stands there with his arms crossed, with a frown on his face. I almost forgot to mention that Shadow can teleport, and use his chaotic powers.

   Sonic, on the other hand, is the opposite. He always cracks up to a huge joke, he overreacts (not making him as "down to business" as Shadow), he runs on actual shoes, and in this story, he's married to Amy Rose. Eventually having a daughter whose name Shadow cannot really remember. Sonic's superb favorite food is chili dogs!

   Let's get back on track.

   Shadow was plotting his revenge against Sonic and the team. I could recover some old Ancients mech to reverse their abilities. I could finish them off once and for all. Shadow thought to himself, as he sat on a rock.

   As he thought for one full hour, he couldn't make up his mind. I'm just going to take a moment, he decided, activating his boots. He dashed out of the cave and sped around the forest. It felt good to be alone, and feel like you and your own piece of land where you're free.

   Shadow was venturing through the bottom of the canyons, he saw something flash at the top of the canyon. He stopped for a moment, and gazed at the beam as it whisked away, shouting. With joy.

   Who was that? Shadow thought, suddenly full of interest. That flash did not look like Sonic's when he used his super speed. This flash looked like it was pink. It felt familiar and sounded like a girl. But Shadow doubted that this was Amy Rose. He knows how slow she is. Her only weapon is her crazy big mallet. Which isn't shabby for a girl like her. But anyway...

   If this pink someone had super speed, then it must be another hedgehog. But if this isn't Rose, who is she? Shadow wondered, as he super skated after it.

   He followed the other hedgehog, until she finally stopped. She was at the edge, staring at the sky in front of her. What is she doing here? thought Shadow, as he looked at her. To get a closer look, he used his teleportation skills, and hid under the ledge that the girl was standing on.

   He couldn't stop looking at her. He didn't even know how to describe this feeling. The girl was a pink hedgehog, with green capris, green eyes, long quills trailing to the upper back, and had three bangs sticking out on her forehead. Her green eyes glimmered like a green chaos emerald.

   Shadow then shook his head, and grunted to himself to get the thought out of his mind.

   Apparently the girl hedgehog heard him, because her head jerked around full of alert, saying, "Who's there?" The ledge she was standing on and where Shadow was hanging on started to crumble, and break apart. The girl was able to easily back away, but Shadow got spooked and teleported himself to the top of the edge where she used to stand.

   But then he realized that he was still in danger, because he was still going to fall to his doom. He felt a hand grab his left hand, seeing that the girl had grabbed him before it was too late. Full of shock, Shadow teleported to where the girl was right now.

   He ended up teleporting the girl with him, because they rolled over each other for a few seconds before they separated. In a tone, she said, "Next time warn me when you're gonna..." She then gasped as she took a look at Shadow, as he dusted himself off. 

   Shadow looked at the girl and saw that she was smiling at him, as if she knew who he was. Embarrassed that he made a fool of himself in front of her, he started turning around to teleport back to his cave until the girl said, "You're the legendary 'Shadow the Hedgehog'!?"

   Shadow's heart stopped, and he turned to look at the girl who just called his name. He widened his eyes as if he were surprised. This was the girl he saw after Sonic long ago kicked him into the time-travel portal while they were in the prehistoric times (see the Rise of Lyric cutscene). This must've been the near future he unexpectedly visited, and had to work with his future self and some other people in so he could go back to the present. But she never told him her actual name. To him, she was just known as Pinky, although he could tell that she was not so keen on the name, but his future self told him to do so.

   Shadow answered Pinky saying, "You heard correctly." He then crossed his arms, waiting for the hedgehog to say something else.

   Pinky said, " dad speaks of you all the time. Not very brightly, though. But still! I've always wanted to meet you!" She walked towards him, making him feel even more uneasy. He asked her, "So you thought that if you would just play around here, I would come and make your dreams come true?" The girl stopped in shock, and said, "Of course not! I was out here just to enjoy a slice of freedom. I thought since the canyon area was big and deserted, I thought maybe it would be perfect to be alone and have fun."

   Hunger for freedom. Interesting. 

   The girl crossed her arms, and tapped her foot as if she were expecting something. Oh, right, she just saved my life. thought Shadow. I suppose she deserves a certain piece of gratitude.

   "You saved me from petty doom. I can save myself. But I am very grateful." He felt his heartbeat fast. What is this feeling? I haven't felt this since Rouge, he thought. He saw Pinky smile, and continue to walk toward him. As she reached him, she said, "You're welcome. Thanks for letting me experience your transportation. I'm sorry I was a bit rude."

   Shadow then glanced at the girl, and couldn't help but bring up a comforting small grin. He then replied, "I believe I never learned your name. Even an escapade isn't the most proper way to introduce ourselves."

   The girl then looked up at him, and said, "I-I-I'm hedge-I...I mean Aurora! Aurora the Hedgehog. Nice to meet you." She quickly snatched Shadow's hand and shook it. Chuckling nervously. Shadow felt like he was going to crash. But watching how she flushed made him feel a bit better. But Pinky-Aurora-seemed to notice how uncomfortable she was making him because she immediately let go and ran off. 

   But Shadow couldn't help but call, "Wait! Aurora, was it?" Aurora ran back to where she used to be, looked at him, and replied, "Yes, Shadow?" Shadow was not the best at words when it comes to talking to girls (even Amy) unless you count competitive talk. But all he could search for without making a fool of himself was, "It seems that you need more practice when it comes to your 'skills'. But I suppose some more training with me would benefit your wellbeing."

   "You mean having another disaster happen, and me saving your life, again?" Aurora tried to translate, which made his anger swirl inside. No one needs to know I got saved by a girl! I have a reputation to maintain! he thought. "No," corrected Shadow. "and if you tell anyone about that, you're dead!"

   Aurora giggled and said, "My lips are sealed. I'm free on Saturday. Might be fun!" Shadow activated his skates and zoomed back to his cave without saying anything. After he went back to his cave, the picture of Aurora wouldn't get off his mind. 

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