Chapter 3: The Race

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Aurora grabbed her half jacket, since it was a cold morning, and just before she was out the door, her mom reached her and whispered, "Your dad is sleeping in, today. Since he doesn't have work." Aurora sighed with relief, as she put on her jacket.

   But Amy touched her daughter on the shoulder, and added, "But just be careful with Shadow, honey. He hides his emotions well and is angered easily. If you ever upset him, just come to us, okay?"

   That explains why Shadow talked angrily and acted weird when I was around. thought Aurora. "Sure thing. If dad asks where I am, tell him I'm at the canyon taking a run."

   "That's where you're going to meet him?"

   "Yep. I have no idea what we're going to do, but I'm pretty sure it'll be fun."

   "Just be back in 1 hour. Okay?"

   "Sure, but isn't that an awfully long time? Especially for Dad to handle?"

   "I want you to enjoy yourself. Don't worry, I'll convince him to let you go more often. Now go before he wakes up!" Aurora dashed all the way to the canyon area without question, finding Shadow waiting for her at a cliff with his arms crossed.

Shadow was running through a hallway with Maria Robotnik. Away from Eggman. "Stop them!" shouted the doctor. "We can't let them get away!"

   Suddenly Shadow was in a glass pod, trying to break free. He saw Maria holding a lever, but she looked as if she were to faint. He was terrified. What's she doing? 

   Maria's body shook and she struggled with her balance as spoke her last words, "Listen Shadow! I want you to promise me, please." "No, wait!" begged Shadow, who's heart felt like ripping apart. But his friend continued, "Whatever happens, remember I'll always be your friend, Shadow! We always talked about going to visit the planet one day. But it looks like you'll have to go there without me. Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog." She finally collapsed to the ground after pulling the lever, dead.

   Feeling like a prisoner who just lost his only friend, Shadow tried to bust his way out to help her, but he ended up falling to Earth from space. "How could they do this!?" he shouted, full of anger with the picture of Maria dead on his mind. 

   I failed you, Maria...I'm sorry... 

   Shadow woke up to find himself crawling around in his cave with the gems around him. Gasping for air, he closed his eyes, and said to himself, "Why?"

   After pulling himself together, he skated towards the canyon on the cliff where he first met Aurora. Seeing that she wasn't there yet, he crossed his arms and gazed at the sky. The thought of his dream wouldn't leave him. Then he remembered Rouge and their dating years, then Aurora. I can't let that happen, again. he thought to himself. But I don't even know if I'm ready for that again.  

   After hearing a swoosh, he automatically learned Aurora was here. Taking a deep breath, he whispered to himself, "I'll protect her."

   "What was that?" asked Aurora, dipping her head to the side. "None of your concern." Shadow quickly replied, turning his head to face Aurora's.

Okay, Grumphog! thought Aurora. I was just wondering what was wrong! Shadow walked towards her, making her smile with nervousness. "So, where do you want to run to?" he asked. Aurora didn't know what to say. She just shrugged her shoulders, and then looked around her for a spot to run to with Shadow. But it should also be out of sight from her dad because you know.

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