Chapter 26: Starting to Figure Stuff Out

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It was Aurora's other dimension mom and everyone else! But where's my other dimension dad? Aurora wondered. Then she remembered when her dad told her a story about him traveling to another realm where there wasn't another version of him or Shadow. This must've been it. But everyone else was here. Wait, this world that he described was the Sol Dimension!?

   Aurora could hardly breathe when she saw this world's Amy Rose. The images of her own mom's death repeated in her head. What snapped her back into action was when Amy shouted, "Look out!" and she grabbed her and dove her away from the trail. Aurora looked to see that the yellow orb that the monster was standing on was spitting out huge stars! She had to put a stop to this. 

   Aurora got up, and dashed behind the star-spitter, and shouted, "Heads up!" Despite her formal wear, she spin dashed the machine into the air, leaving the alien (well, he looked like one) falling back to the ground. She saw her other dimension mom use her hammer to smack the mech away. Out of sight. 

   That's what mom would do! Aurora thought, as she remembered all the good times she would see her mom swing her hammer in battles or practice. She partially forgot about the problem and the recent battle she was enduring, and that she was still wearing a nice dress. Her rose on her ear was still intact though. Strangely. 

   The death picture of Amy Rose appeared in the poor girl's mind, reminding her of the deep pain she and everyone else had felt. Even the worst bullies in Hedgehog Village like Billy the Intern had remorse! 

   Tears escaped Aurora's eyes as she spin dashed the creature toward her other dimension Uncle Knuckles, yelling, "Uncle Knuckles, give him a boost out of here!" 

   The red echidna just stared at her in confusion, and the other aunt Sticks shouted an order, "Throw him to me! I've trained all my life to battle a zeti from the sky!" Automatically "uncle Kunckles" followed his order and grabbed what Sticks called a zeti by the legs, swung him around and threw him at the female badger. Aurora couldn't believe it. 

   Wait, that's a zeti? 

   This badger just stole her chance at proving herself useful by just butting in and taking charge! Oh, wait. Dad said that this world's Sticks was the leader of a revolution of Lord Eggman. Who knew that she would be so bossy and still carry her paranoid instincts inside her. 

   "Aunt" Sticks practically stabbed the zeti in the stomach with the edge of her staff. The punk zeti let out a high shriek, immediately ceasing as a familiar nutria stuffed his face with a burger.  

   Billy? Aurora stared at him in shock. The boy looked at her in confusion, and continued staring. The pink hedgehog felt uncomfortable, and turned away. She saw that the star-spitting mech zoomed back, and threw up another star in their direction. Then suddenly the light from the sun grew brighter. 


Shadow drove his motorcycle through the dark, eventually hitting a spring of light. Flashbacks hit him. 

   One of when he and Maria were running to the capsule room where he ended up being sent to earth. Hearing Maria's last words "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog" and a gunshot with it. 

   Another of when he saved Aurora from tumbling rocks back when they first raced each other. Ended up being a tie. Her screams echoed in Shadow's head. 

   Shaking the thought away, the hedgehog zoomed out the door with his vehicle and weapons. He drove to where he could see the illusions that Shard was providing, and the blasts being caused by Lord Eggman. He then saw a spritz of light beside him, and an orange figure on his other side. 

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