Bonus Chapter: A Snowy Tale

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Shadow waited at Shadow Canyons for Aurora. She was taking longer than usual though. What is taking her so long? he wondered as he looked at the ground. What if she was over-doing this session again like she does sometimes? Why else would she take practically forever? 

   But Shadow remained in his spot, waiting. Last time they met she said that she had a surprise for him. He didn't know what it was, but he hoped it didn't involve socializing with the townspeople. He hated social events. 

   But what was driving him to do these things? He normally likes to spend time alone, and doesn't have any time for any girls! What was happening to him?

   "Oh, good you're here!" Aurora's voice popped up as Shadow saw her zoom in front of him. What she wore was a big surprise indeed! She was wearing snow wear. Which was extra weird because it was like in the middle of summer, in one of the hottest areas on the island! What is she planning? 


All she got from the black hedgehog when she arrived, was a face of irritation. But she ignored it and giggled. "I know what you're thinking, but trust me on this. It'll be fun!" Shadow gave off a little hmph just before he said, "I don't do fun. I do business.

   Aurora blinked twice at him. He stared at her, and added, "Not your problem." She rolled her eyes, and dashed to him and handed him a scarf she bought from the store. It was blood red. Then, she swooped behind him, and covered his eyes. 

   She felt him jerk, and replied, "What is this? Let me go!" Aurora immediately released her hands from his face, seeing him glare at her. Leading her to explain, "You think I'm going to spoil the surprise for you?" 

   The pink hedgehog then walked around him and looked at him face to face. "Close your eyes." she ordered. "Like I'll listen to you." Shadow snapped as he crossed his arms, still holding the scarf she gave him. Growling, Aurora grabbed Shadow's elbow, and dashed them as fast as she could to the coldest part of the island, which had snow and snow-covered trees everywhere (Sonic Boom season 2 episode 17).


Shadow stood skeptically still in the snow. He looked for Pinky everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. Feeling the cold breeze, he decided to put on the scarf. Not that he was too cold, if that's what you were thinking. 

   Shadow stayed alert, and walked around, searching for the pink hedgehog. "That troublemaker." he mumbled under his breath. "This is pathetic."

   Suddenly something slapped on his face. Something cold. Shocked, Shadow uncovered the snow off of his eyes, and realized who this work was. He heard giggles, and saw that Aurora had been hiding in a tree when she threw the snowball. 

   "What was the meaning of that?" Shadow snarled. Aurora just jumped out of the tree, created another ball made of snow, and threw into the air and caught it. She smirked. "You haven't heard of a snowball fight, Bladespeeder?" 

   Shadow widened his eyes. A snowball fight huh? he thought as he slowly gave off a grin. A fight. What a surprise this was. If this hedgehog was willing to compete, he was more than willing to. Especially if the defeat would be too cold to bear. 

   Shadow then grabbed a patch of snow, and slowly rubbed it around the edges to make it perfectly stable and sticky just like he saw Aurora do it. If it's a battle she wants. Shadow walked towards Aurora, holding the snowball intact in his hand. Then a battle she will get. 

   Then just before Aurora could charge and throw, Shadow teleported behind her and threw it at her back. "This is war, Pinky!" That was when the most epic snowball fight happened between the two hedgehogs. Neither one of them showed mercy. 

   In fact, it was sunset by the time they were finished! Both of them were breathing hard, full of frostbite. There was no winner. 


Aurora stared at Shadow, breathing hard. Then she laughed, and fell to the ground, laughing even more hysterically. She heard Shadow's footsteps towards her. Before he could say anything, she said, "Well looks who's having fun!" 

   She saw Shadow stop, and look away. Aurora calmed down, got up, and stared at the sun setting. It was beautiful, but her father had a deadline, and it must be met. Otherwise he would go nuts. 

   But there was something she had to do first when it comes to the end of a battle. "Good game Shadow. Hope we can have another one of these sometime." she said. Then she dashed home. It was the greatest feeling she ever felt! 


Shadow's eyes locked on Aurora as she went back home. Staying his position, he chuckled. He hated to admit it, but he did have fun. But yet it felt weird battling with snow. What was that feeling? 

   He chuckled softly, and turned around to see the sun setting. Automatically an image of Maria popped into his head. He drew in a breath at the memory. Then he remembered Rouge, and when they used to date they would stare at the sunset. 

   No one is of any importance to me anymore. he reminded himself as he headed to his cave. 

   Really Shadow? If only you were to know where this was going to go. 

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