Chapter 16: Mercenary Battle

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Quick note: I recommend listening to Skillet's "Battle Cry" during/after you read this chapter. Thank you!


Aurora couldn't speak, she was too surprised to even stop staring at the crazy jackal who calls himself "Infinite". Infinite! One of the schemers up to dominating this world and maybe others along with Eggman? Aurora thought as she picked up and raised her hammer. Until Infinite stretched out his hand, which caused Aurora's heirloom to slip out of her hands into nowhere. 

   "My hammer!" the pink hedgehog exclaimed as she tried to search for her mother's old hammer, but it was nowhere in sight. "So desperate. How weak. I suppose I'll have to make the game a little more unfair for you." Infinite continued, which brought Aurora's attention. As he said "Oh well", he motioned the squealing sprite to get closer to him. Furious, Aurora swiftly took off her jacket, shaped it like a rope, and lassoed the little creature to herself. 

   The creature squeaked with thanks, and Aurora glared at the spooky jackal. She'd had it! Enough has happened today! From her dad following her around, leading to when she yelled at him (which they really need to have a proper talk when this is all over), learning that Rouge has been captured, have a spoiled moment right in front of Ember, learning that Shadow didn't care about her, making it worse by ruining her first kiss (which she thought felt more magical that it seemed like Bladespeeder was kissing her back), seeing Shadow nearly killing her father, now hearing that Infinite is Shard's father while he tries to kidnap this defendless sprite! The pink hedgehog put her jacket back on. 

   "What are you up to, Infinite? Also, how can you even have a meerkat for a daughter?! Too much of a dislike between you two, don't you think" Aurora blurted out, realizing that the last question may have been a bit rude. But still...

   "None of your concern, weakling child." 

   The pink hedgehog narrowed her eyes, and dared to say, "Oh come on. Surely you can drop one little hint."

   Immediately, Aurora was jerked away into the sea. She sunk as she looked at how deep the floor would be. Too deep. she thought as she tried her best to swim back up, but she was panicking too much to do so. As she was about to give away her last breath into a burst of bubbles, she saw a glowing blue blur and widened her eyes to see it was the sprite she had saved! 

   As they made eye contact, Aurora could hear Infinite saying above the water, "Quitting already? Well, I guess this is farewell." The sprite literally sank into the pink hedgehog's chest, and she felt soooooo powerful! Also, electricity was flowing through her, so that helped with the feeling as she bursted through the waters, floating at the same length facing the jackal. 

   Grinning, Tiny replied to the jackal, "Bring it on." "So be it." Infinite raised his fist as he teleported to her and kicked her away, and punched her to the ground. Unaffected, Aurora suddenly launched an Enerbeam at Infinite from her hand (must've been the sprite) and used it to nab him towards her and home attacked him twice, but he didn't seem damaged either. 

   This guy was about as tough as Shadow! No, probably even tougher to beat. Aurora was about to go for another homing attack until Infinite used his amazing strength to yank away the Enerbeam, and used it to yank Aurora towards him and slapped her in the face. Got to admit, that hurt. 

   Face heating up, Aurora's eyes set on her target and zoomed after him and dodged his illusion blocks, and at one time, the sprite launched an enerbeam at the trunk of a tree, and Aurora used it to swing  herself against Infinite and home attacked him up, and then kicked him back to the ground. "Payback! Ha ha!" she exclaimed as she pointed at the jackal, who was slowly getting up. 

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