Chapter 20: Meanwhile with Sonic

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What if that Faker tries to hurt her? What if she gets killed? What if I'll never see her again? Sonic thought as pictures of what happened today swarmed in his head. 

   After he saw Aurora shoot through the portal with Shadow, and others (including a sprite whom she called "Itzy") into who-knows-where as the other portal to null space sucked as much as it could in its path. He had also saved the cloaked stranger from being sucked in. He saw blue rings on her wrists, copper red hair with a slightly brown highlight, and blue eyes. This girl looked eerily familiar. When the portal dissipated and the remaining soldiers dropped, Sonic had tried to take off the girl's hood, to see who she really was. But she just stepped back, held her cover over her face with both of her hands, and ran away. 

   "Moody much?" Knuckles commented as he helped the twins (Bunnie Rabbot and Antione D'Coolette's children) to their feet. "No idea." Sonic added as stared at where the girl used to be. He also noticed that Infinite was gone. He's probably been sucked in. Serves him right. Sonic thought, as he remembered Aurora again. 

   "Everybody okay?" he asked everyone. The Domination Slayers muttered replies like "I'm fine" or "I can't move" or just either sobs or moans. As much as Sonic wanted to go after his daughter, because she was so like her mother, he had to hope that she will return. Because he had no idea where she could be at right now. Despite those cruel words that she had said to him, he still loved her. He just didn't want to lose her that easily like he did with his wife and Cream. Especially if she was anywhere near Shadow. 

   Sonic had spent the night at the camp, but he had a hard time getting to sleep. He just kept staring at the family photo of his family, reminding to control himself. "Amy Rose is in a better place, Sonic. Tiny is a fighter, Sonic. You just got to trust her." 

   He touched the photo of everyone smiling, having a good time. A tear dropped to Amy's face on the picture as he kissed it. "Love you ladies." he muttered to the picture. He set it under his pillow as he went to sleep. 

   Just two hours before dawn, Sonic woke up to someone shaking him awake. He saw the cloaked girl, looking at him. He looked at her, in disbelief. "You again?" he spoke. 

   "Time to go a little treasure hunting." the lady replied in a stern voice, taking her hands off the humped blanket. What does she mean by "treasure hunting"? Tired, Sonic put the blanket over his head, saying, "Give me one more hour, please." He was about to go to sleep in pity until he kept feeling more shakes on his shoulder. Except these were more forceful. 

   He flipped the blanket over him, "What gives?! Can't you see I'm a little busy?" He glared at her, but she just stared at him. "We're looking for something valuable, and I just thought you'd be the best hedgehog to help me on the job." she replied. 

   Sonic narrowed his eyes, and said, "Who sent you? Are you in any relation to the queen?" He remembered queen Sally, and how she allowed him to be around his daughter when Morpho confessed that he was the one who led the attack. She was also the one who tried to comfort him when Aurora lashed out. She had a heart of silver, and he liked that about her. 

   "I'm her spy, Spur Sleek. I'm the closest person to her than anyone she knows." the cloaked girl-Spur Sleek-explained. "She sent me to go get you, and search for something." Sonic looked at her one more time, before he hid under the covers again, saying, "Wake me up when it's morning, Spur Sleek." 

   That was when Spur Sleek hitched the covers away from him. 


Spur Sleek just finished off the Militarybot by sticking her sword through it's heart, which was was big round green jewel. The bot was a big contraption with 10 arms, 5 that were blasters and 5 as chainsaws. It also had a drill on it's hind, and the top was shaped like a cauldron. Sonic then spin dashed it away over the horizon, and smiled at the girl. 

   He saw a little blush, but then she shook it away, and pulled her hood a little more over her head to hide her face.

   I remember when Amy and I used to fight like this, side by side. Except we were in a relationship. Spur Sleek and I barely even know each other. 

   Sonic dashed to Spur Sleek, and said, "Was your plan to find scrap heaps built by Egghead? Because it worked." 

   Spur snickered, and said, "No, you doof. We're looking for something even more valuable than metal junk." "Well, if you'd just tell me what it is, we'd be able to find it much easier." Sonic hinted. 

   "It's best I don't." 


   "It just is." 

   This was getting irritating. What secrets is she hiding? Sonic wondered. "Let's go." Spur Sleek changed the subject. She walked ahead, leading the way, and the blue hedgehog followed. 


20 minutes later, the two found Amy's hammer laid on the grass, covered in mud. Sonic's eyes widened. He didn't know what to say. Spur Sleek grabbed it and meekly smiled. "Surprise." she optimistically sang as she waved the hammer around a little. "Here." 

   She gave the weapon to a silent Sonic, who just gazed at his wife's old hammer. It was Aurora's now. But she must've lost it. He remembered how Amy was always good at swinging this around, giving Eggman a run for his money every time. Now she was gone, and so was her offspring. 

   Holding everything in, Sonic hugged it to himself, and grinned at Spur Sleek. "Thanks." he said. They looked at each other, and the girl motioned him to follow her. He followed her to a cliff. 

   Spur Sleek sat down at the edge as Sonic stood behind her, holding the hammer tight. The sun started to rise, bringing a warm feeling in the blue hedgehog's heart. He grinned as he felt a cool breeze blow in his face. I remember when Tiny was a little girl, Ames and I would sometimes take her out to see the sun rise and have breakfast at that spot. Sonic's eyes teared up as the memory slipped into his mind. 

   "You know." Spur spoke, bringing Sonic's attention. "Whenever I miss someone, I always look at the sunrise." 

   Sonic gazed at Spur, and saw bits of her clothing as the wind blew her cloak as she stared at the rising sun. 



   "Anyone you have in mind?" Sonic asked in his most gentle voice possible. Spur Sleek only tugged on her hood again, and turned her head away. 

   "It's okay. I won't tell anyone." Sonic touched her shoulder. 

   The hooded girl just remained silent. Then, she spoke, "My brother." Sonic just looked at the girl, full of sympathy. He remembered that lost-family feeling well. "What was he like?" he asked. 

   "He was...very loyal, protective, and kind. He never kept me out of his mind. He a second father to me." Spur Sleek explained. It sounded like she was fighting tears, but Sonic decided not to ask. He just continued to stare at the sun, which was halfway up the horizon. 

   "I'm very sorry." he calmly answered. Feeling the wind blow past him again. They were both silent. Until Spur replied, "It's all in the past. I've moved on." 

   Another silent surpassed them, and then, just as Sonic was going to say something, the girl said, "I have to go. See you, Sonic." 

   Sonic went to look at Spur Sleek, but she was already getting up and walking away. He wanted to know what was under that hood. He wanted to know how she somehow knew where Amy's hammer was located. He wanted to actually know who she was, because she was giving him a sense that he already knows her, sort've. 

   But before he could even take a step towards her, he was hit by a big rock, and was toppled over the cliff, dropping the hammer he was carrying. 

   He stared at the water that he was plummeting towards, and in his head he secretly screamed for his life. I don't want to drown! he thought as he remembered that memory when he startled Sora into popping the bubble by accident. Luckily there was land then. But not this time. 

   Sonic tried finding his balance, but suddenly his back cracked, and he couldn't move. 

   He splashed into the water as he saw Spur Sleek diving after him. But before he could actually look at her, he let out a burst of bubbles and everything went black. 

Sonic Boom: Travels (Shadora)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz