Chapter 29: An Unpleasant Meeting

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Shadow scanned the crime scene of where his ex was before she disappeared into whatever rift she was shoved through. The things that looked more recent were bigger debris, more burnt marks, ditches, and blood. Strange. 

   Shadow walked to the closest burnt print, which looked as if it'd been blasted. Eggman. He then looked at other marks that looked to be blasted. Toppled trees, the ground, and branches. 

   So far, it made sense. Eggman and his two robots Orbot & Cubot somehow flew over here in the Egg Mobile. But what for? 

   Shadow looked all around at the big mess, seeing the bunch of additional trunks toppled on the ground, a new pit mark, scraps of metal, and blood. Curious, he picked up a bolt, and looked closely at it. Then at a red piece of metal that was at his foot. It was a piece of badnik. 

   Who was Eggman fighting? Shadow then followed the red trail, past all the rest of the robot bolts and screws. The blood looked fresh, and slanted. When he reached to a stop, he couldn't believe who it was. 

   It was Eggman leaning back in his now broken down Egg Mobile, his stomach completely covered in blood, as he was firmly holding his robot dismantled henchmen Orbot and Cubot in his lap. He wasn't breathing. He was dead.

   I'd prefer to kill him myself. Shadow thought as he observed the doctor's resting place. The way he had his mouth slightly open with blood flowing out. From the looks of how red this gory scene looked, his opponent had killed him.  

   "Who did this?" Shadow asked himself out loud. Immediately, he heard rustles. He jerked his head up, and saw a cloaked figure leaning back on a still-standing tree with his legs crossed. He carried a pair of nun-chucks, which looked like they had a bit of blood on them, wore blue/black/white shoes, and had a cold smile. 

   Shadow grew defensive, and demanded that the stranger reveal what he was doing here, and who he was. "I'm the guy who took care of your enemy." he answered with no hesitation. 

   Shadow looked at him closely, then back at Eggman. Who looked to have a gash at his bald head. Out of nowhere, the cloaked figure snuck up behind him, sneering. "If I'm not mistaken, you seem to be looking for something. Or someone, Shadow the Hedgehog." 

   Honestly, Shadow wasn't surprised that this figure knew his name. Everyone by now knew him, and according to what Eggman said in Sonic Boom season 1 episode 51, he was the second most popular character on canon. 

   As the guy walked around Shadow, watching him, he brushed his tail against the purple jewel that the black hedgehog held. Tightening his grip on it and placing it deeper into his chest fur, glaring deeper at him.  

   The cloaked man's voice sounded raspy like Ember, but more of a cruel perspective. His tail was of a fox, and he looked to have red fur with bright blue eyes. 

   "Yes, you miss her. I can sense the fear in your soul for her." 

   Shadow then remembered what Shard said when he visited her cell in the Sol dimension, that someone else was the head of this whole process. Even more despicable than her. This seemed like the guy she was talking about. But does he know about Rouge?

   "What are you talking about? What do you want?" Shadow asked, holding his emerald more tightly. 

   "To offer a little deal, of course!" the guy guffawed. He then swooped under Shadow's arm, looking closer at the gem. "I'll tell you about it, and where Rouge is if you give me that chaos emerald in your hand." 

   As soon as Shadow heard Rouge's name, he swiftly snatched the stranger by the front of his cloak, revealing the guy's face. He had crazy green-tipped dark red quills(?), blond not-so fluffy muzzle that he never saw any fox have, and a wicked sneer. He clearly looked like bad news. Shadow also realized that he sounded just like the guy on Rouge's walkie talkie! "You're the one who took her!" Shadow accused. 

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