Chapter 54 A Fight to the Finish

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3rd person POV.

Y/n L/n is currently with the women of his life so far in the preparations for Mizore's wedding is coming along perfectly but he knew that if he wanted to truly be wed in marital bliss there was still one more threat in the world that threatened their love and family and that was Salem he wanted nothing more than to kill her and put her head on a pike but he didn't know where her kingdom was at least he didn't yesterday he just got intelligence from a very reliable source where her kingdom is located he now has information about where the land of darkness is located and he knows how to get there he began preparations for the attack on the land of Darkness he is already had his armies of hell mobilizing he was going to have the element of surprise he was to tell nobody he didn't want to put them in danger he knew that they would want to help but he already had an army and the Ultimate Weapon to end this the other night he was communicating with eclipse and he decided that he would use the ultimate power of the Tempest to destroy Salem once and for all for the Tempest had another level that he never used a world-ending power the power of level 0 he knew that this power could end not just his world but all Worlds Beyond and now with the power of great red added to it the power of the Tempest is Unstoppable so now he was preparing for the final battle he would only tell the Headmasters what he was doing for he could trust them not intervene and try to stop him he wouldn't tell his soon-to-be wives for if he did they would either try to stop him or try to come along with him and he wasn't going to put them in danger never again and that was final currently he is making his way to the headmaster's Tower once he got there he entered the elevator and he immediately push the top floor button the elevator door closed and the elevator went up soon enough the door opened once again once the elevator stopped and once he exited the elevator he immediately made his way over to the Headmasters.

Ozpin: Ah Hello Y/n how can we help you today?

Y/n: I have all the information I need I have everything I need I have my Legions of Hell ready to mobilize I'm going to launch an assault on the land of darkness and I am going to finish off Salem once and for all.

Just say that the three Headmasters were totally flabbergasted shocked and horrified is the understatement of the God damn millennium.

The director: I'm sorry I think I had something crazy in my ear could you please repeat that?

Y/n: me and the armies of hell are going to attack Salem's Castle and we are going to kill her The Tempest has the power to destroy Salem I know you think she is immortal but the power of the Tempest can cancel out immortality and I assure you that I have everything I need to defeat her I don't want any help or assistance from anyone I have all the things I need right at my disposal so please do not try to stop me do not send back up and do not tell anyone.

Lord Gremory: you hear how crazy you sound?

Ozpin: Salem has an army at her disposal an army of Millions of Grimm!

Y/n: and I have an army of quintillions every damned soul of hell is at my disposal we outnumber the Grimm 100 to 1 also my weapon The Tempest has the ability to completely wipe her out and let's not to mention the blood saber gives me the ability to use every semblance I have taken I have done some research on the silver-eyed warrior and I can weaken her if I use the power of the silver eye and once she's weakened I can take her out I can also recall an army of my Fallen enemies so I have killed thousands and I can summon them all to join me in my battle so numbers are no problem and power is no object I know I can do this so please keep this a secret and do not try to stop me.

The three Headmasters collectively sighed.

Ozpin: you are obviously dead set on doing this we cannot stop you but we must ask why are you being so rash and attacking now?

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