Chapter 43 the return of the Terminator

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3rd Person POV.

Everyone stood there absolutely flabbergasted and totally shocked at what they were seeing Not only was the person who they thought was dead less than 24 hours ago but now he was back and he had amazing powers that they had never seen before everyone stood totally quiet it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop from a mile away the only sound I could be heard was the sound of rushing air and burning fire Y/n was just floating in mid-air nothing holding him up or anything he was just floating in a bubble of pure elemental power.

Y/n: so sorry I missed my own wake but traffic was murder~

To say that everyone was shocked flabbergasted and slightly horrified is an understatement of the goddamn millennium soon enough the Headmasters stepped forward.

Ozpin: Y/n L/n back from the dead you never cease to amaze me.

Lord Gremory: Lord Y/n it's good to see you again and it's good to have you back.

The director: I can't believe it the man the myth the legend himself returned from the dead I am beyond impressed~

Y/n: don't thank me thank General Ironwood it was thanks to him and some very questionable experiments that I was able to come back from the dead.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at General James Ironwood.

Ironwood: I guess project Epsilon was a resounding success.

Y/n: it most certainly was and now thanks to you I am now more powerful than ever as you can tell.

Y/n's bubble of pure elemental power immediately fell away the water went back to the koi pond the Rocks fell to the ground the air dissipated and the fire snuffed itself out Y/n slowly floated back down to the ground everyone remembered his right eye was silver and his left eye was the eye of Lucifer.

Y/n: now if you need me I'm just a boy but stand in front of a bunch of girls and tell them.......what the fuck am I going to tell them?!?!?!?!

Y/n whispered the last part the Headmasters and the general just chuckled and smiled.

Ozpin: well you better figure that out and fast.

Immediately the girls approached Y/n and they did not look happy in the slightest.

Y/n: now please liste-

Out of nowhere Y/n received a massive slap from Penny.

Y/n: I deserve that

Nora stepped forward and hit him in the face with her hammer.

Y/n: I deserve that too

Velvet also slapped him across the face.

Y/n: I most certainly deserve that

Ravel stepped forward and with her magical powers she slapped him so hard in the face that she actually knocked out a tooth.

Y/n: okay I deserve that

Koneko step forward and punched him in the gut knocking the wind out of his lungs and causing him to spit up copious amounts of saliva mixed with a touch of blood.

Y/n: okay I really deserve that.

Ryuko steps forward activated her uniform and immediately proceeded to hit Y/n with the blunt end of her scissor blade at full strength.

Y/n: all right I did sort of deserve that.

Kokoa stepped forward and punched him in the nose breaking his nose and causing his nose to spill a good amount of blood.

The loving Terminator Among Us (Male Terminator/Human reader X Multiverse harem)Where stories live. Discover now