Chapter 53 the fate of traitors

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3rd person POV.

Y/n L/n immediately landed the dragon slayer right in front of the academy thank goodness it was big enough to fit on the large empty portion of the island it definitely overlooked the academy Y/n immediately exited cockpit and he was soon met with everyone and I do mean everyone of the new age Academy as soon as everyone had taken in what just happened the crowd cheered in thunderous Applause and cheers everyone was excited that such a massive monster was taken care of the headmaster's were also happy that the monster was killed and with very limited damage a few windows what's a small price to pay for peace and no lives were lost except for great red but you already knew that.

Nonon: Y/N!!!!

Y/n looked towards the voice to see his pink-haired fiance along with the others coming towards him.

Nonon: what the hell was that thing? what is that thing? What happened?

Y/n: well to answer all your questions in order that thing was great red but now he's not so great dead this machine I like to call it the T-1,000,000,000 but I also call it the dragon slayer it's powered by The Tempest and its third form and as for what happened it's quite simple actually the infinite Dragon God came to me and told me that she chose me to take down great red so that she may return to her home once and for all so I destroyed a great red and now she is back where she belongs.

Ozpin: I can't believe it the Legends are true great red is now no more you truly are the highest caliber of warrior so what are you going to do with that thing now that it has served its purpose.

Y/n: I don't know maybe I'll go put it in storage in hell just in case I ever need it again.

Y/n immediately climbed back into the cockpit of the Dragon Slayer and he immediately put it in his storage unit in hell after he was done he removed the Tempest from it the Tempest felt extremely different it felt even more powerful than ever like it was growing stronger and the slaying of great red had given it a significant power boost the power of the true Red Dragon and actually giving it so much power that now it had the power to destroy worlds but before he left hell he received Intel telling him who gave Cinder fall the ability to participate in the tournament apparently there is a mole in the system and his name is Leonardo Lionheart and he's the Headmaster of Haven Academy.

Y/n: interesting well this Leonardo Lionheart must be dealt with swiftly and decisively.

Y/n: immediately teleported back to the academy to talk to Headmasters apparently everything had finally calmed down the students had disbursed and order had been restored Y/n immediately called his fiance's through the ring.

Y/n: hello my loves I will be coming home late tonight I have just been given a mission by the headmasters but do not worry I will be okay all will be well.

Y/n L/n immediately made his way to the headmaster's Tower there he began to tell the Headmasters what he was going to do.

Y/n: Headmasters I have information that will help turn the tide of the war in our favor.

Ozpin: and what would that be?

Y/n: there is a traitor Among Us his name is Leonardo Lionheart.

The director: you mean the Headmaster of Haven Academy?

Y/n: the very same he was the one who allowed Cinder Fall into the system and it was him who initiated the system so that she could participate in the tournament.

Lord Gremory: this is very disconcerting.

Y/n: yes it is but I have a plan I will go to Haven Academy and I will deal with the traitor myself.

The loving Terminator Among Us (Male Terminator/Human reader X Multiverse harem)Where stories live. Discover now