Chapter 27 taking the throne

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Y/n's POV.

Y/n L/n is currently in hell standing at the top of the highest point in hell training with the power of His balance breaker fighting Legions of demons and other creatures of hell eventually it is done he has slayed all of his opponents and now he stands amongst hundreds of corpses.

Abaddon: once again Master you have shown your strength and skill and proven that you deserve the throne.

Y/n: I'm an engine of War it's kind of what I do it's what I'm best at even before I became what I am.

Y/n disengaged his balance breaker and returned to his normal state.

Abaddon: yes you can slay any opponent but that is not all you can do you can destroy but you have proven that you can do something far beyond that.

Y/n: and what would that be?

Abaddon: you have shown that you have the power to create.

Y/n: yes you're right I do like to design and create things.

Abaddon: and since you have proven you deserve your place on the throne of hell I believe it is time to take you to that throne.

Y/n: There's an actual throne?

Abaddon: Yes Dear Boy every King needs a throne and it's time to take you to yours follow me.

With that said Abaddon led the way and Y/n followed him the trip was taken in relative silence eventually they found themselves in an expansive desolate plane full of razor sharp rocks protruding from the ground in the distance Y/n could make out the outline of something

Y/n: what is that in the distance?

Abaddon: that is the Royal Palace your Royal Palace to be exact.

The closer they got the more Y/n could see the Royal Palace and to say the place was big is an understatement of the century the Royal Palace was massive.

The closer they got the more Y/n could see the Royal Palace and to say the place was big is an understatement of the century the Royal Palace was massive

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Y/n: wow that is a big Palace!

Abaddon: it was built before the Great War sometime after Lucifer fell from Grace and became a devil there is the birthplace of the Forbidden gear it's sacred locks can only be unlocked by 1 who has truly earned the right to call himself the new Lucifer and that would be you or one of his original descendants and since you have earned the right to take the throne you are the only one who can unlock the sacred seals locking the power of the palace away.

Y/n: interesting so let us undo the seals.

Y/n walked forward before he can get any closer a large red barrier appeared you took the form of a dome with strange writing written all over it in some sort of old language Y/n scanned the language but unfortunately his systems could not translate or identify the language.

Y/n: I cannot identify this language either it's an old dead language that Skynet could never identify or it's some sort of made-up language can you translate Abaddon?

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