Chapter 37 love is complicated

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3rd person POV.

Currently in dorm 1408 Y/n L/n is lying in his bed he has been asleep since yesterday when he totally went berserk sitting beside him is his girlfriend Nonon At first she was totally terrified at the rage and Insanity of the one she loves but after she realized he was just in horrible pain and he reacted accordingly she wasn't afraid anymore she was just sad but she was also happy to know that if she got hurt he would risk his sanity and his mind just for her so she knew that he would never ever forget her so now she was ready to tell him the truth true that more than one woman actually loved him and that they were willing to share him after a few hours of him sleeping Nonon called Houka in examine his systems he declared that Y/n was totally fine physically emotionally his systems were keeping him stable by giving him antidepressants, antipsychotics, and a good shot of dopamine for good measure Houka discovered that a good majority of that blood rage was the protocol known as Rip and tear.EXE so to make sure that he would never go into that kind of blood rage again Nonon asked Houka to put a lock on that protocol that only she could unlock by saying a command phrase after it was done Houka left and Nonon just sat there watching over the one she loved hoping that he would wake up soon eventually Y/n began to regain consciousness.

Y/n: Jesus Christ what happened?

Nonon instead of verbally answering she immediately tackle hugged her boyfriend wrapping her arms and legs around his body in a full-body hug.

Y/n: hey there my little musical note what's wrong? what happened?

Nonon: you mean you don't remember anyting?

Y/n: nope I do remember taking the Excalibur fragments and putting them in my vault otherwise everything else is a total blur.

Nonon: well let me give you the rundown basically the academy was under attack yesterday by a fallen angel and his two minions I got hurt you went totally batshit crazy and started slaughtering those three assholes like they were cannon fodder after that you vanished for a few seconds then you finally calm down you kind of passed out and you've been asleep ever since.

Y/n: wow sounds like one hell of a day.

Nonon: yep it totally was I had Inumuta scanned your systems physically you're fine mentally you're a little bit unstable but you're recovering also I had the Egghead put a lock on your rip and tear protocol only I can activate it with a certain code phrase I don't ever want you using that thing ever again when I saw you in that much pain and anger it scared me and it made me very sad I never want to see you in that much pain again so please promise you'll never ever do that again.

Y/n: I swear I will never do it again.

Nonon: good now that that is settled there's something very important I have to tell you before I change my mind.

Y/n: and what would that be?

Nonon: do you remember getting all those love letters a while back?

Y/n: yes I remember why?

Nonon: because during the dance while you were away taking care of your business I found out the identities of the other girls they told me that they loved you just as much as I do at first I was scared that they would take you away from me for that you would accept them and forget all about me but when I saw what you did yesterday that proved to me that you would never forget me and that you will love me with all your heart and I know how much love you have in your heart so I think you're ready to know they're identities and finally have the Harem you so deserve.

to say that Y/n L/n was shocked beyond all comprehension is the understatement of the century Y/n L/n was absolutely flabbergasted when he first got those love letters he thought they could be just a cruel joke and not true but only now does he realize that they were genuine.

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