Chapter 36 the decisive battle

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3rd person POV.

Everyone teleported back to the academy alarms were blaring a good majority of students were retreating to the transport docks soon enough Y/n was face-to-face with the Headmasters.

Y/n: what's the situation?

Ozpin: we have three Intruders a commander class Fallen Angel a rogue Exorcist and a stray priest we've already issued an evacuation order so far almost all of the non-combatant students have been evacuated all the combative students are at the ready and waiting for orders what do you think we should do?

Y/n: why are you asking me?

The director: that is simple because you have been to war all of us have experienced battles and War but you are the most highly decorated war hero here so we would like to see if you can handle the commanding the coming battle.

Y/n: and I accept I will lead the students through any oncoming battle I need them to do as I say never question my orders don't ask stupid questions and surrender and failure is not an option.

Lord Gremory: understood everyone is at your command we will watching from the headmaster's office if things get bad we'll come out and help.

Y/n: do not worry I already have a plan how many students are currently here?

Ozpin: so far teams RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY, the entirety of the student council, the members of the newspaper Club decided to stick around, Ryuko, Penny, Ravel, and the members of the occult research Club they are all the ones present and accounted for.

Y/n: excellent where are our enemies?

Ozpin: they're in the courtyard the Stray priest and the Rogue Exorcist they're performing some sort of ritual and the Fallen Angel is sitting on a floating Throne doing nothing.

Y/n: he's waiting for us where is everyone?

The director: they are currently Waiting by the courtyard awaiting orders.

Y/n: excellent that'll be all.

With that said the Headmasters went back to their office and Y/n headed towards the others once he got there he was approached by his girlfriend Nonon.

Nonon: Y/n we were just alerted that you were put in charge of this operation lady Satsuki has decided to let you lead this assault.

Y/n: excellent now all of you shut up and listen I'm calling the shots on this one and you're all going to do what I say if you want to see tomorrow!

Everyone: sir yes sir!!!

Y/n: now here's how it's going to go the members of the student council are going to go to the outskirts of the academy and put up a field and protect this Academy at all cost make sure nothing gets in or out until I give the word.

With that said the members of the student council immediately headed outside towards the outskirts of the academy but not before Nonon gave Y/n a passionate kiss.

Nonon: you better come out of this okay!

Y/n: don't worry it's not me you have to worry about it's the assholes who decided to invade my home!

Nonon: I guess we better start ordering body bags.

Y/n: damn straight now go!

What's that said the members of the student council went to the outskirts of the academy to do their job the members of the Elite Four transformed into their new second phase battle regalia.

Ira: three star Goku uniform shackle regalia Mk II!

Uzu: three star Goku uniform blade regalia Mk III!

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