Chapter 4 the story of the boy bred for war

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Y/n's POV.

Y/n finally got back to the cliff where the three Headmasters were waiting for him.

Lord Gremory: well that was fast

The director: that was quite amazing

Ozpin: that was quite a show you put on.

Y/n: well I do aim to please

Ozpin: and congratulations on finding the Lost Silver King piece no one has ever found it.

Y/n: well I like to be the first to do stuff so did I pass?

The director: with flying colors

Y/n: awesome I've got good news and I've got bad news which one you want to hear first?

Ozpin: the good news

Y/n: well I passed the test which you already know bad news is I am now officially out of ammo.

Lord Gremory : well that shouldn't be a problem what kind of ammo does your weapons take?

Y/n: Violet plasma cells

The director: I've never heard of such an ammunition

Y/n: well I can craft more I just need a few items.

Ozpin: just make a wish list and I'll make sure to deliver the items you need to your new dorm.

Y/n: excellent and maybe while I'm at it maybe someone can show me where you guys make weapons or something so I can make some new weapons so don't have to rely on these old things.

Ozpin: of course as soon as we're done introducing you to the student body we will show you the way to our Forge but until then I believe it would be appropriate to introduce you to the student body.

Y/n: I believe that would be appropriate lead the way Headmaster.

With that said the three Headmasters lead Y/n to the amphitheater where the students were waiting.

Ozpin: students of the new age Academy I'd like to introduce you to your newest student Y/n L/n I expect you all to treat him with respect and dignity.

Y/n scanned the crowd and smiled

Ozpin: Y/n is there something you would like to say.

Y/n: yes in fact there is

Y/n stepped forward and took the mic.

Y/n: I just like to say how much of a thrill it is to meet you all and how excited I am to be part of your Academy.

The director: isn't that wonderful

Lord Gremory: yes very wonderful indeed.

The four of them left the stage Ozpin handed Y/n a mobile Communications device known as a scroll.

Ozpin: here you go Y/n this device is a scroll it will act as a key to unlock your dorm it also it is also a Communications device that will allow you to connect and communicate with anyone you choose.

Y/n: excellent thank you Headmaster

The director: we'd like you to come to our office tomorrow after classes to explain where you come from and this war you keep talking about we will select a handful of students whom we know you can trust to keep your secret.

Y/n: excellent how could someone lead me to the weapons Development Center?

Ozpin: I will you can all go back to work

Lord Gremory and the director: yes

Ozpin lead Y/n to the forge there they had all the materials that Y/n would need to construct his new weapons.

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