Chapter 52 the dragon gods

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(A/n): last Friday tragedy struck my home my family we lost a very precious comrade he was always there for us he was always there to sing the song of his people before we went to bed he was our friend he was our brother he was our son he was our family and he is Irreplaceable there is a hole in all of our hearts that can never be refilled like the cavity in a tooth but this cavity can never be repaired I was the one who named him and I was there to watch him take his last breath and watch his soul leave his body and transcend into the next phase of his life as I write these words his memory burns in my mind like a raging firestorm he was my best furry friend and his name was little Porkchop my family is completely devastated and now we are left shallow and empty yesterday was a day that will live in infamy as the day the world lost a furry comrade but yesterday will be a day that will live in Fame in heaven because that was the day that heaven got a furry angel he was 17 years old and he still acted like a kitten even on his last day rest in peace Porkchop ashes to ashes dust to dust and in honor of his memory I dedicate this chapter in his name may he happy and looking down upon me from heaven please enjoy the chapter.

3rd person POV.

Y/n L/n is currently in his dorm looking at his oldest weapons his old phased plasma rifle and his plasma minigun both of them are completely out of ammunition and are nothing but relics of an ancient past that never happened Y/n L/n remember everything from the war between man and machine all the suffering all the screaming all the pain all the misery everything it still haunted him nothing could make the suffering go away it's still haunted his nightmares and night but the dreams of his future the future he could share with the women he loved that was enough to counteract the nightmares that would plague him at night right now the women he loved the women in his harem are currently out doing girl things things that they told him he wouldn't understand things that he shouldn't understand things that guys are not meant to know then out of nowhere there was a knock at the door he got up from his seat and open the door to see the reincarnated Angel herself Irina Shido she smiled and had something in her arms something in a case.

Y/n: Hello Irina to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?

Irina: well I'm here on official Angel business.

Y/n: what kind of Angel business?

Irina: well Lord Michael himself has given an order to the Vatican to deliver this to you he says that it's extremely important and it is to be disposed of ASAP.

Irina immediately handed the king of hell Y/n L/n the case she then smiled.

Irina: well my job is done and over with I have some homework to do it was good seeing you again Lord Y/n.

Y/n: it was good seeing you again my Angelic friend.

With that said she immediately made her way down the hall and Y/n immediately closed the door he carried the case to his desk he undid the latches locking the case he then opened the case once the case was opened there was a shiny thing inside it was a sword but not just any sword it was the last Excalibur it was Excalibur blessing the final Excalibur he needed the last Excalibur Excalibur destruction was currently in the hands of Xenovia one of his wives he decided that that would be the only Excalibur he would keep out of his hands he did this for two reasons one he didn't want to weaken his blue-haired fiance that and he feared what would happen if the power of Destruction was added to the Tempest he was afraid that its power would run out of control so he decided against adding its power to the tempest he closed the case and immediately teleported back to his Palace in hell he immediately grabbed the forge summoned The Tempest and began doing his work adding Excalibur blessing to his Tempest blade there was a mighty surge of power and now the Tempest was even more powerful than ever for Excalibur blessing in hand any ritual it was used in and it gave anything a holy upgrade in power he immediately put the Forge back in the vault where it belongs soon enough be headed back to the new age Academy he decided now was a good time to relax so he sat down on his bed turned on the TV and immediately started watching some good shows more specifically a show he loved to watch a show called paranormal Witnesses he was always fascinated with the concept of life after death and the research of demonology the episodes that dealt with Bigfoot and UFOs he didn't really care about but ghosts and demons those fascinated him beyond anything else soon enough he felt the presence behind him he pulled out the Tempest and pointed it at the intruder the Intruder did not look to be disturbed that there was a blade at her throat instead she looked absolutely emotionless she looked to be about Koneko's age she had long black hair she was wearing strange clothing but the weirdest thing of all she wasn't wearing a shirt and she had black tape X's covering her nipples!!!

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