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You and Kylie might have been grown adults in your twenties but when it came down to cookies, cake or basically anything to do with baking, the two of you turned five.

Today Kylie was in a happy mood, with prepping for Halloween so she had asked if you wanted to make cookies with her.

Of course you said yes, so now here you are, trying to figure out if milk goes in cookies or not.

"Baby, it didn't call for milk " you said to your stubborn girlfriend.

Milk doesn't even go in cookies. She glared at you and snatched the phone away, reading the ingredients list again.

She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically before slouching over the counter.

Biting your lip, you moved over to where she was and hugged her.

"Don't be sad silly, let's make cookies!" You said.

She smiled and stood up straight before pouring some flour into a bowl.

You thought you would have gotten to do something other than watch her make cookies but with Kylie, you had to be prepared for anything.

Anything in this case would be sitting down like a looser while she made the cookies because you wouldnt move if she didnt tell you to.

You watched as she swayed her hips, mixing the ingredients together and as much as you wanted to take her right then and there, you had a much better plan.

Sneaking around her, you got the jar or flour and took off the lid.

By now, all common sense that you could have had was out the window and you just wanted to see the look on her face when the white powder had coated her head.

You poured it over her and she let out a high pitched scream.

Dropping the glass jar onto the floor, making it fall into pieces, you ran away from her and went to look for Stormi.

That girl would calm Kylie down any day. She might not have been your daughter but you knew it hurts Travis everytime HIS daughter calls YOU mama.

Hearing the angry footsteps of your girlfriend only made you walk faster.

You almost got out of her grip but she managed to grab your ear and she pulled you back into the kitchen.

She glared at you then put the dough in the fridge to chill then she got a bottle of water and dumped it on your head, followed by eggs and sugar.

You let out a scream and touched your hair, frowning.

"Kylieeeee." You drawled out but she only snickered.

You got the remaining sugar and poured it over her head. The white grains would be all stuck in her hair you thought to yourself, smiling evily.

She got some of the orange coloured icing and smeared it on your face, giggling. She then took the sprinkles and did the same.

You really wanted to do something worse, one up her.

But you had used almost everything on the counters and you didn't really wanna waste the other colors of icing.

You got the milk that your girlfriend had claimed was needed and splashed some on her shirt. Then you got some more flour and poured it over her.

Glaring at you she left the kitchen.

You smiled in victory to yourself. You had won.

Kylie came back, still messy and hid something behind her back. You watched as she walked up to you and hugged you.

"Are you gonna do that shit again?" She asked causing you to laugh.

"Answer me." She said taking a knife out from behind her back and putting it behind by your neck.

You managed to say no and got her to drop the knife, pulling you in for a kiss.

"Baby why are you so jumpy?" She asked as the two of you sat and waited while the cookies baked.

"Um because you had a fucking knife to my neck." You said loudly but not too loudly to the point where she would get upset or Stormi would hear.

She laughed loudly and picked it up, placing it in her mouth and taking a bite out of it.

"Kylie wha-"

"Baby it's a gummy knife, calm down have you not seen them? Did you really think I'd even try and kill you?" She asked, biting off another piece.

"Um.. Yes." You said.

She got up to chase you but the oven dinged and you sighed in relief.

"This isn't over Y/n/n." She said as you took the cookies out the oven.

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