Chapter 2

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Its been a week since my mother left to America. Everything has been going great. Some small threats here and there but other than that, its been quiet.

Sometimes I think its too quiet. I'm starting to think that people aren't scared of me like they are scared of my mother. I don't blame them, she is scary as hell but I am just as ruthless as her.

Someone knocks on my door and I grant entry. "Miss Ortega, Pedro would like to speak to you in the command room" Viktor speaks to me and I nod.

Pedro has become my right hand man, well that is until my mother comes back.

I make my way out of the office and down to the command room.

"Pedro?" I walk in. "Miss Ortega, it seems that the Hill Side Gang is planning an attack. Our inside man has told us that they are adding finishing touches before they attack." Pedro tells me. I knew it, my gut is never wrong.

"Get some of my men ready. We are attacking before they attack first." I order and he nods.


My men had cleared the house and gathered every one of the Hill Side Gang members outside of the house. They were now all on their knees while their hands were tied behind their backs.

I stepped out of my SUV and my heels clicked on the gravel road as I approached them.

"Ah, Mr. Abdel." I smile while standing in front of him. "Its lovely to finally meet you" I roll my eyes. "no eres más que una puta." He spat at me (you're nothing but a slut) "That's not very nice Mr. Abdel" I smirk. "Vete a la mierda" he scoffs. (Fuck off)

"Very well" I shoot him in the head. "This is a warning. Don't mess with us, ever." I dangerously warn everyone who is watching. I knew that the word would get out. Word travels fast in Mexico. Soon, every gang will know what happened to Mr. Abdel and who did it.


"Sylvia what are you doing here?" Surprised by her visit. "I came to see you, its been a while." She replies to my question. "I have been busy managing the mafia from here." I flop down on to the couch beside her.

"Yeah, I heard that your mother left you to handle it while she is gone." She tells me and I nod. "It must be stressful" she adds. "It is but Pedro has been helping me a lot with it." I smile.

"Is he here? I would love to thank him for introducing me to Rafael." She beams, "He is working at the moment but I will pass on the message to him." She nods and turns on the tv.

"I got some business to attend to but I will see you later." I tell her. She stands up and we give each other a hug before I walk away to my mother's office that I now occupy.

"Miss Ortega, wait." One of my men stop me before I enter the office. "Yes?" I raise my eyebrows. "Mr. Hitherto is here." He elaborates and my eyes widen. My uncle?

I make my way to the front entrance and there he is, standing so elegantly.

"Uncle Dominico, what brings you here?" I ask. "I have some matters in Italy that I could use your mother's help with." He explains.

"My mother is in America attending business for a year. I am now filling in as jefa (boss) of the mafia." I tell him.

"You?" He questions me and I nod. "Very well then" he smiles. "Please, lets discuss matters in your office." He tells me and I agree. We both head up to my mother's office with Pedro trailing behind.

We walk in and he tries to close the door on Pedro but to no avail. "Uncle Dominico, it is protocol to have a guard with me when I discuss matters with someone" I explain to him. "I'm family Alexandra" he tells me. "I am aware of that but so is Pedro. I don't trust anyone more than him" I smile at Pedro.

"Very well" Dominico says and sits down in a seat in front of the desk. I take my seat while Pedro stands near the door with his head held high.

"So what are these matters you would like to discuss?" I ask. "Well at the moment the Italian mafia is threatening my gang's business, and I was wondering if we could," he pauses "take care of them."

My eyes go wide. He wants us to take down the second largest mafia!? Is he shitting me right now!?

"Please Alexandra, we can take out your competition and my gang can do their business without being threatened." He begs.

"I will think about it. I'll decide in a day. My maids will arrange one of the guest rooms for you so you don't have to stay in a hotel." I tell him and he nods. "Thank you Alexandra" he smiles and exits the office.

Pedro closes the door behind my uncle and steps forward towards me. "De verdad vas a acabar con la mafia italiana?" He asks. (Are you really gonna take down the Italian mafia?) "voy a hablar con mi madre al respecto." I tell him and he nods. (Im gonna talk to my mother about it)

He exits the room and I look down at my laptop. I sigh and open it. I quickly click on skype and than click on my mother's name before I back out.

The screen quickly turns to her face and I smile. "Hola madre" I say to her. (Hey mother) "oh como te he echado de menos" she smiles. (Oh how I have missed you)

"Mama I didn't call for a checkup, this call is about business." I tell her and her face turns ice cold. Its not because she is upset that business is the only reason I called her for, its because that's her work face.

"Uncle Dominico stopped by," I pause "he wants the mafia to help him take down the Italian mafia." I explain to her.

I couldn't quit tell what she was thinking. That's probably another reason why her enemies are terrified of her.

"Accept" she says and hangs up. Seriously!? No explanation, just accept.

I slam my laptop shut and rest my hand on my hands. This woman is gonna be the death of me, literally.

I stand up and leave the office to head to my bedroom. Ah, finally, some piece and quiet.

I take a shower in the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom and then put on a t-shirt and some shorts for bed.

I flop down on to my bed and cover myself up. Ugh, this shit wont turn out well.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, don't forgot to vote and comment.

My MissionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora