Sick of it

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Morro had not planned for this.

"What did you just say my amber jewel?" Morro asks.

Kai clenched his fists and looked at Morro. "I want to die. I am sick of you and I am sick of being manipulated! You manipulated me and used me! They aren't going to accept me after what you did to me and I am not staying with you! So fuck you," Kai grabs a broken nail and held it to his neck. Morro quickly tackled him and took the nail out of his hand and kept his hands pinned. "You are not leaving me again," Morro growls. Kai tried getting away, but Morro possessed him. Once he had full control of his body Morro looked at the window and growls seeing the falcon. He used Kai's power and blasted it with it.

"Banshee we leave now!" Morro yelled. "But Morro," Banshee began. "Now," Morro growls leaving.

Morro get out of my body! I thought you want me dead?

Kai screams in his head. "I don't want you dead I want you to love me," Morro answers stepping onto the boat.

"Well I love the thought of death. Give me a fucking weapon. I'm just so sick of everything why can't you just leave me alone? Because I can't seem to get rid of you unless I am a dead cold corpse and that's just betting I won't go to the cursed realm,"

"Those stupid ninja are making you feel this. Okay? Just calm down let's think about this," Morro said as he boarded the boat. He walked up too a wall and chained himself with arms above his head before exiting Kai who nearly collapsed as Morro tilted his head up.

"I am not letting you brainwash me Morro," Kai said stubbornly. "Who said anything about that? Kai you know I love you," Morro caresses his face. Kai didn't respond and looked away. "I can take this pain away just need you to be a good boy. Can you do that?" Morro asks. Kai's lip trembles and for a moment it looks like he will say yes, but he just keeps his mouth shut. Morro forces him to look at him. "Remember it does not matter whether your dead or not. I will get the crystal and just open up the portal to the departed realm and drag you out. You cannot escape me so why don't you just be useful for once and stay alive so I can get the crystal," Morro said. "Without me you can't get the crystal," Kai responds. "I can always go and get one of the other ninja and get you back later," Morro said moving away with a smile. Kai may hate Morro, but Morro knows Kai won't put that fate on anyone. Morro still has enough influence over Kai to build it up until Kai won't even be able to decide for himself. Morro heard Kai sobbing and that's when he knew he had won. If Kai believes he can't get rid of Morro then he'll at least do what gets his friends out of danger.

Morro looked back at Kai and saw the defeated look in his eyes and he smiles. He's finally broken him.

"Ready to be a good boy?" Morro asks. Kai's lip trembles as he nodded. "With your words love," Morro said. "Yes Morro," Kai whispers. "Not quite," Morro said. Kai's fists clenched. "Yes Windy," Kai said and Morro smiles. "Good boy," Morro kisses Kai's lips running a hand through his hair. Morro left to make sure his generals were all doing as instructed. Kai stayed there chained and soon Kai was crying. The others would never take him back after what has happened and realizing how weak he actually was even if the entire trading thing was just a trick it only proved how weak he really was. Kai wanted to just get away from Morro that is all he thought about, but he was afraid to die even if right now that seemed like his best option.

Short I know sorry

Word count: 685

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