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Lloyd, Zane, and Cole were trying to find something on Nadakhan in the library Master Wu was last seen in. As they read they were getting frustrated because it was almost as if Nadakhan did not exist.

"This is taking forever," Lloyd groans. "Patience yields wisdom," Zane said. "Or at least a decent lunch," Cole mutters. After seemingly hours in the library they left to go to the meet up spot. It was Nya's samurai X cave and when they got there the fire alarm was going off.

"Jay! Did you mess with Nya's stuff?" Cole yelled out threw all the smoke of a fire recently put out. "Sh!" Jay shushes them. "What? Why do we need to be?" Jay put a hand over Lloyd's mouth shushing him. "Why?" Zane starts before Jay points to the corner of the cave.

They looked and saw Nya slowly approaching someone curled up in the corner. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean," The person said as Nya shushes him. "It's okay it's okay," Nya said and the person looked up at her and they got a good look at his face. "KAI?!" Cole, Zane, and especially Lloyd yelled. Kai squeaks and curls up in himself again. Nya glares at them before focusing on her brother again.

"It's okay Kai their your friends," Nya said. "Friends?" Kai asks looking back up. "Yeah friends they won't hurt you," Nya said. "Promise?" Kai asks. "Promise," Nya said and Kai slowly stood. He did not look at the three new comers though who just stared at him in shock. "KAI!" Lloyd broke into a sprint and hugs Kai tightly before anyone could stop him. "I'm sorry we couldn't find you, we tried so hard, I am so sorry for everything," Lloyd started babbling and crying while Kai was still and did not hug back. Instead he was looking up at everyone and then back at the boy crying into him. "Can you get off kid? That hurts," Kai said kind of awkwardly. Lloyd sniffs and looked at Kai with his bright green eyes glassy with tears. "Kid?" Lloyd was confused Kai had not called him that in forever. "Lloyd," Jay said gently. "Kai where was Morro keeping you? What did he do to you?" Lloyd asks.

Kai pushed Lloyd off him and just sat on a nearby chair. "I don't know who or what Morro is? Can someone please just tell me why everything hurts?" Kai asks. Lloyd was shocked and looked at Nya and Jay. "Nadakhan got to him before us. Kai used two of his wishes. One was too be free the other was to forget everything that's happened. Kai doesn't remember......anything," Nya finishes. Lloyd's eyes went wide as he looked at Kai who's expression was showing no signs of recognition or love toward Lloyd. "You know who I am right Kai?" Lloyd asks almost desperate. Kai shook his head. "No I don't I'm sorry. I don't remember anything before waking up in the desert," Kai answers.

Lloyd's eyes filled with tears and he clenches his fists walking away. He sat in a chair arms crossed just looking at Kai. Zane chose that moment to step forward. "Kai would it be alright to examine your body? You may not remember it, but I am assuming you have undergone tremendous strain over the past few months and I need to make sure you are alright," Zane said. Kai just nodded wanting to be away from the green boy who kept staring at him. Zane and Kai went to a small medical room.

Zane asked questions and Kai always answered with either. "I don't remember," or when it came to what hurt "yes,"

Eventually Zane asked Kai to take his shirt off and Kai did so. Zane could see Kai was very malnourished and almost fainted looking at his back that was littered with whip marks. Zane patched them up and did scans of Kai's body. He gave Kai some medicine to help him sleep for now which Kai did.

Zane went back to the others who were waiting.

"Kai shows no signs of remembering anything that has happened to him, but his physical state suggests otherwise. His leg muscles have been pulled serval times without healing, he has bruises all around his torso and body, his mid section is damaged enough that he's going to need to limit walking, his vocal cords are raw meaning he probably spoke loudly very often, his air flow has been cut off a bit for some time so it is best if he keeps from talking for about a month, and his back as been severally whipped several times so that's going to need time to heal, and he is very malnourished so we need to do our best to get his body weight back up. Over all he is in worse condition than we initially thought and walking around in the desert did nothing to help," Zane explains to them. They were all saddened to hear that. "Morro would have noticed he was gone by now. We need to make sure Morro doesn't find him," Lloyd said. "But what about Nadakhan? He's going to be trying to take over Ninjago if we don't do something," Cole said.

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