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Kai groans as he slowly opened his eyes and looks around. He was in a dark room with no windows and a metal door that had a slot in it for food with the only light coming from a bulb hanging above him. When he trying to move he found himself tied to a chair tightly with the bindings chaffing his skin.

As he tries to remember what happened the door to the room opened and Morro walks in with a predatory grin. Suddenly the memories of before returned and Kai starts to frantically struggle for his life and summon his fire though that was useless for him due to the vengestone collar. "Now now my jewel no need to be difficult," Morro said to Kai who disagreed. "LET ME GO! I AM NOT GOING TO GET PREGNANT BECAUSE OF A STUPID WISH YOU MADE!" Kai screams at Morro who slaps his face so hard a bruise formed almost instantly. "Don't. Yell. At. Me," Morro hisses to Kai grabbing his chin and forcing him to look.

"You have been extremely difficult you know? I'm doing everything for you, for us, and you're not being very grateful," Morro said in a mock pitiful voice. "There is no us, there never was, I just forced myself to love you because I thought it was the only way to avoid being alone. I was a idiot and my greatest regret is meeting you," Kai spat at Morro. The ghost is silent for a moment before he shrugs it off like what Kai said was nothing. "I figured as much, but that doesn't matter to me because that's the past and I'm looking to the future," Kai feels fearful at his words. "What do you mean?" Kai asks. The wind ghost smirks and places a cold hand on the fire ninjas stomach.

Kai struggles in the chair he's tied too trying to get away as soon as possible. Morro was giggling on his knees rubbing Kai's stomach with his thumbs his hands around Kai's waist.

"Morro stop I don't like that," Kai demands. "No, I'm too excited. Once I've killed the others I'm pumping you full of every fertility drug I can get my hands on then I'm gonna have you full of my fertile cum. I'll then have you constantly being fucked until your plump and fat with my child," Morro said giggling and laughing as he kisses Kai's stomach.

Kai could only cry in fear tugging against the restraints. "Stop being so sad we're about to become parents," Morro said.

"Well I would love to tell you the future our child is going to be born in, but," Morro pauses enjoying the look of terror in Kai's eyes. "I don't want to spoil anything, but I know our child will love meeting their grandparents," Morro said and Kai was sure the ghost was more insane than he thought. "What grandparents? Your mom's dead and so is your dad after his drinking got the better of him," Kai asks. Morro hums smiling evilly as he traces a hand up Kai's sides and frowned when he didn't react. "Ugh they drilled it out of you already? Oh well," Morro shrugs and instead snapped his fingers a few times. The vermilion generals Rag-munk and Blunk came in carrying a plastic cup and the other had two bottles of some type of alcohol.

Struggling again Kai thrashes against the bonds. "Calm down my jewel," Morro forces Kai to kiss him in a supposed effort to calm him down. "These two are just gonna be giving you something to enjoy while I deal with things you don't need to worry about and when I get back we're going to pick up .right. where. we.," Morro licks Kai's ear making the red ninja shiver in disgust and fear.

The vermilion poured the alcohol into the cup and Kai clenches his mouth shut. The soldier grabbed his nose though and pulled it back so his mouth opened and he had the burning drink go down his throat. He tries coughing it out, but that didn't matter. "Why aren't you just drugging me you bastard?" Kai asks before another cup is forced down his throat. Morro moves away admiring the scene for a moment. "Well I ran out and I need you more docile," Morro threads his fingers in Kai's hair.

The red ninja tries biting down on Morro's hand, but nearly chips his teeth doing it. Another cup his poor down his throat and Kai groans. "Why?" He whispers and Morro smiles seductively. "Because I can't have you squirming around too much when I take you to my chambers later," Morro said giddy and kissing Kai again before turning to the generals. "Make sure he's drunk enough to not resist me, but not enough that he won't remember anything got it?" Morro hisses the last two words and the generals nodded saluting.

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