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Okay so this is what Nya, Lloyd, Jay, Cole, and Zane knew and were currently doing. All the grown ups, or old people as Jay would say, had been kidnapped by the djinn Nadakan when they were alone so the ninja knew not to be alone, but it did not stop them from wishing that they could be alone.

Kai nor Morro had been seen in months and it was eating them up inside not being able to find them anywhere. And now they needed to put the searching on hold until this stupid Djinn was dealt with something none of them are happy about. They wanted to wish for Kai back, but they knew whatever they wished would end up worse for either them or him.

"Can you believe what they are saying?" Nya asks scrolling through social media. The comments with Kai were horrible calling him all types of slurs that just made her want to break the phone. "Just ignore them for now Nya. Right now we need to find proof that we are innocent and not a danger to anyone," Lloyd said. Nya sighed, but kept scrolling through. "Where are we gonna go? We got no home and no idea what Nadakan is planning," Cole said. "We could call my folks maybe they could help us," Jay suggests. "They could get in trouble for that and people will be expecting that we cannot put them in danger," Zane said and Jay nodded realizing how stupid that would be. Like which one of them would hide out in such a obvious place?

With Ed and Edna

Edna was humming a merry tune as she swept around the trailer she called home while Ed had gone into the city. She had heard about her son and the others being framed, but the couple knew their sweet innocent boy would have never done any of those things and they knew he would eventually be cleaned of all his charges. They were more worried about the poor red ninja. Nya was so unhappy and never smiled these days along with the others. They did not even force smiles for the cameras they never saw the reason.

As she swept Edna heard her husband Ed drive in honking his horn. "Edna! Get the med kit!" Ed yelled at his wife. Edna rarely heard the joy in her husbands voice gone now replaced with urgency. So she did not question it and ran inside to get the med kit. Her husband came in with someone slung over his shoulder. Edna pales at the sight and Ed was having some trouble carrying him in with his old age so she went over and helped. They laid him on the bed Jay used to sleep on as a child and Edna was shocked to see it was the missing red ninja Kai.

He was badly sun burned and dehydrated with signs of heat stroke and bruises all over his body and despite the sun burns they could tell he was really pale like he had not seen the sun in months. Edna looked to her husband. "Found him passed out a yard away from the road. I didn't want to go to a hospital when there's a man hunt for him right now," Ed explains to his loving wife. "Oh Ed that was a good call now let's help the boy," Edna said and they got to work. They gave him small sips of water and made sure he was cooled as much as he could be and took care of the burns and skin that seemed really irritated around the neck clearly he had a collar on recently, but it was removed. They lifted his shirt to see if he had any burns around there and were horrified to see the whip marks littering his back. Some looked old while others looked fresh all of them red and nasty. "Oh Ed what has the world put through such a sweet boy?" Edna asks her husband. "I honestly don't want to know dear," Ed answers for her as they put cream on his wounds. When touching them he whimpered in pain something they saw as a good thing which meant he was somewhat aware. None of the slashes were infected showing whoever did this to him wanted him alive. Once they had bandaged the wounds all they could now do was wait.

They wanted to call their son and his friends, but they were under ground right now and they had no idea where he was. Hopefully though that meant that wind ghost Morro did not know either where Kai was.

It was around three hours before Kai woke up. Edna was watching him reading a book and making sure he would not wake up alone. It was slow and groggy and when Edna noticed she imminently walked over placing a cool hand on his forehead careful of any movement could cause him to react violently. He whimpers, but Edna used a soft voice she would use when Jay had nightmares. "It's okay sweetie your safe no one is going to hurt you here," Edna said repeating the phrase slowly brushing her hand through his hair. Once Kai was more awake he looked around confused than looked at Edna.

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