This Was Obvious

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"Let me go Morro," Kai demands, but the ghost just ignored him. "Not happening and you know why? Because you belong to me," Morro said laughing. "I'm so sick of you, the second I get my hands on some deep stone I'm stabbing you in the crotch," Kai stated looking away from the ghost, but Morro just rolls his eyes. "Keep saying that my jewel, your destiny is still set," Morro states to him. "Which is to get away from you," Morro looks and saw the white ninja. "Why is he here again?" The ghost asks. "He's a builder, and if anything we can use him for scraps," Krux said as he looked over the map for the boiling sea.

"And how long until we can get ahold of the girl?" Moccia asks. "Not long we just need," At that moment general Rag-munk and Blunk entered dragging in a large bag that had something thrashing inside it. "I got the water girl!" Rag-munk proudly proclaims. "No I did!" Blunk pushes him aside. "No I did!" They started going at it when Moccia angry exclaims to them both. "You two dunder heads are supposed to be watching the old man!" She yells. They realized their mistake and pointed to the other. "It was his fault!"

"Wu doesn't matter, show us the girl," Rag munk opened the bag and a foot kicked him in his snake filled face. The person in the bag was definitely female, but not the female they had been expecting to see. "You idiots! You got the wrong master," Acronix yells at them seeing they had captured Maya and not Nya like expected.

Maya looks around taking in her surroundings and her eyes landed on Morro, next to her son. "You get away from him you manipulative liar, my daughter told me about who exactly you are," Maya growls summoning water to her hands. "Mom," Kai can't hold back to choked sob. Morro is not threatened and gives that stupid grin of his. "It's your own fault for believing me, you've dealt with ghosts before, but you were so desperate for your children you didn't even question what I said. Now I wouldn't shoot that water of yours or," Morro pulls out a dagger and held it to Kai's neck. "Don't you touch him," Maya demands. "Mom please blast him," Kai pleads when Morro digs the dagger into his neck drawing a drop of blood.

The sight of her child's blood gives Maya pause. That's all it took for Acronix to pin her to the ground and get her in venge-stone cuffs. Kai has to choke back a sob seeing his mother taken down and Morro grins turning the brunettes head.

"Well then that was easy," Morro said and kissed Kai in full view of his mother. Kai let's out a muffled scream trying to pull back, but Morro's grip bruised him. Zane struggles in his restraints and Maya was stone still before everything hit her like a building being dropped on her.

"I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" She screams at Morro who if anything reached his other hand down Kai's back. "Morro please stop," Kai begs. Maya was being held back by several vermillion and the twins were even getting annoyed. "Stop it ghost I can't have her loosing it," Krux orders and Morro rolls his eyes doing as told.

Maya was still trying to get to Morro though so she could double kill him very painfully.

"Now that the iron doom is finished all we need is the reversal blade and," Krux began when he was promptly cut off. "Yeah about that, I was thinking maybe I should be in charge from now on," Morro said. Krux and Acronix glared at him. "Remeber your place ghost," he said. "Yeah about that too," Morro stood up and said. "Your services are no longer required," he snaps his fingers and two vermillion grabbed the two and restrained them. "What is this?!" Krux yells at Morro.

"Like I just said your services are not needed, I know where the reversale blade is, your generals are loyal to me now, and the iron doom is done. I don't need you both anymore," Morro lists off. "Moccia?!" Acronix turns to the snake lady who simply shrugs. "I heard of your plans to rid of me once you had conquered them and Morro's plan was a lot more appealing," Moccia admits and the twins growl. "Take them to the dungeons and prepare the ship. I still need the reversal blade," He orders and the twins were taken to said dungeons as Zane asks. "Why? What could you possibly need it for?" He asks. "For my jewel of course," Morro grins at Kai. "I'm gonna use it to keep him perfect and young," he said softly stroking his cheek. Kai tries biting his hand but it went through and he cursed when he nearly chipped a tooth.

"Now we just need to get your sister and we'll be all set to leave," Morro said. "I'm gonna kill you," Morro rolls his eyes at her. "Little late for that," he said. Maya looks at her child in shame that she could not protect him while Kai was just wishing for it too stop.

"Actually we don't need the girl," Morro looks at Zane and grins. "You'll do just fine," Zane glares. "I'm not doing anything you say," he states. "Oh? Well I guess I'll just kill Borg," Morro said and Zane's face fell. He hung his head in defeat not willing to risk Borg's life.

"Perfect!" Morro cheers happily.


Lloyd was really struggling against a fighter like Ray. He didn't want to hurt him, but Ray wanted to hurt Lloyd. He kept yelling curses at Lloyd and spouting names at the top of his lungs.

"I'm gonna burn you to a crisp you gremlin!" Ray yells at him. "For the last time I'm helping your son!" Lloyd yells back at Ray. "Is that helping him?" Ray points to where Kai was, but when they both turned they finally noticed he was gone. When it clicked for Ray he turned his eyes on Lloyd, but the green ninja had already ducked into the cell with his uncle and Skylar.

"Uncle please wake up I need you to sort this out so I can rescue Kai," Lloyd shakes his uncle who woke up blinking tiredly. "Lloyd?" he asks.

"Where's my son?" Ray appeared at the doorway and Lloyd knew he was trapped. Just as he accepted his death a blast of water smashed into Ray. Lloyd got up and saw Nya was the culprit of it.

"Nya!?" Ray sputters spitting out water. "Listen here right now. Your going to listen to me and your going to listen good or else I don't care your my dad I'll leave you here so I can find Kai myself," Nya orders her father who was so shocked by her appearance he nodded.

Lloyd sighs in relief, but still feels this was a waist of time. Looking over he saw the bars of the window and using his powers he melted them and crawled out while Nya talked to her father.

He hopes he can get to Kai before anything happens.

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