The Second Wish

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Kai pukes in the toilet basically dry heaving at this point.

Lloyd was by his side rubbing circles on his back. When Lloyd touched his spine he suddenly sat up straight stoic still. He winces at the pain it brought his back from the sudden movement and Lloyd saw that.

"Sorry Kai I'll be gentler with your marks," Lloyd said. He refused to call them scars. Kai knew Lloyd blamed himself for what happened, but the fact on how Kai ended up with Morro for nearly half a year felt numb to him.

"Lloyd don't blame yourself," Kai said. Lloyd bit his lower lip and nodded his head. "How's Jay?" Kai asks. "Scared and quiet," Lloyd said and those two words spoke a lot.

Kai became quiet and he starts crying into Lloyd's arms. Lloyd hugged him and soothes him hoping Cole was doing better comforting Jay.

Cole was trying to get Jay to speak make a sound something, but Jay just sat on his bed not making a sound. Cole thinks Jay is still scared of Nadakhan which he is mostly correct on. The next part is what he was put through. Kai's runs more deeply, but that does not mean Jay should just be ignored for it.

"Hey Jay buddy want me too call your parents?" Cole asks. "NO!" Jay screams startling the hell out of Cole he fell over. Jay quiets and repeats. "No please," Jay repeats. Cole got back up and sat next to his friend on the bed. "Jay I know it is hard to talk about, but we want to know what exactly happened or we can't help either of you," Cole said. Jay blinks as tears ran down his face.

"Every time I acted out.......they whipped Kai in front of me. He tortured Kai in front of me because of me," Jay hugs Cole like a life line and sobbed into his shirt. Cole hugged Jay as he talked mostly repeating things.

"He made me," Jay suddenly grabs the nearby trash can and pukes in it as Cole gently rubbed his back. "It's okay now it's over. The scars will heal eventually," Cole said. Jay shook his head whimpering. "Morro made a second wish on Kai," Jay whispers, but Cole still heard it. "And what was that wish?" Cole asks. Jay bit his lip and curls up scared.

"Jay you need to tell me what was that wish?" Cole repeats. Jay continued not to say and Cole sighs knowing he wasn't getting anything out of Jay. "Look Jay Kai's in a bad place like you right now. You told me about how he convinced Nadakhan not to rape you and don't you owe it to him to repay that. We need to know what was that wish?" Cole asks.

Jay's silent for a moment and Cole takes back all the times he ever asked Jay to shut up.

"He wished for Kai to bear his children,"


Nya is in her room. She doesn't know what to do. Both the people she loves with all her heart are hurting. They have been put through terrible things and she does not know how to help them or who to help. If she helps one she feels like she's ignoring the other even if it is for a moment.

She thinks of herself as a strong person, but right now she wants to ease their pain especially her brother's. She looks to the ceiling crying.

"Why Mum and dad? Aren't you supposed to be looking out for us? Kai says the dead always look after the people they care about," Nya cries. "Don't you care about him?"

She curls into a ball and cries.

Short for my standards I know, but I thought this was a good place to leave off and since it was so short I am leaving a word count this time.

Word Count: 654

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