Amusement Park or Scrapyard?

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Kai was mad, like really mad. He cannot believe they kept something like that from him! If they think he is too delicate to know vital information than he is going to prove to them how not delicate he is. He is going to be the one to kick Morro's ass this time because he has a lot of pent up anger and it has been stewing in him ever since the first time Morro touched him. He is never going to submit to Morro again and if that stupid ghost does gets ahold of him he is...he is......what the hell will he be going to do?

Kai stops walking for a moment tears of frustration welling up in his eyes as he remembers all the times Morro ever managed to one up him, to trick him, to get him alone. Kai could never fight back, he could only scream and beg for mercy that was never once granted to him.

When he joined the others he wanted to be like a diamond tough, hard, and perfect, but he was always just glass that was shattered the second he felt Morro's cold winds bite at his skin. He wanted to be the strongest, so no one saw how weak he really was. Too be the one who helped the weak and helpless, not be the helpless.

Lloyd, his own boyfriend, does not even think he's capable of even knowing a stupid rock was in his room. Nya, his sister, thinks he can't handle anything.

What can you ever do right?

Kai thinks to himself wiping the tears blurring his vision. The red ninja sighed banging his head softly against the wall of a store that had tv's in the window and it suddenly broadcasted live news.

Gale Gossip was reporting live from Mega-monster amusement park of Vermillion snakes stealing metal and people running around scared out of their minds. Kai's ears perked up when he heard that they were only stealing metal and doing nothing else.

They want metal nothing else and the best place to get it would be.....

His eyes widened as he remembered Jay's parents Ed and Edna, the people who helped him and fought to protect him from the police and risked prison for him despite himself not being worth their kindness. Now that he realizes it he never actually said thank you for keeping him alive after he was left in the desert to die. He looks at the tv screen again and his blood almost froze as he saw Morro in the back drop of the screen ordering the vermillion around. He heard Morro yell from the screen.

"Hurry it up and if the ninja show up bring me the red one!"

Morro orders the vermillion warriors as they pillaged the amusement park. People were running and screaming scared as vermillion warriors took anything melted that was bolted down, including the bolts themselves.

Kai's breath hitched feeling fear encase his body. He can't go to the amusement park, but he does know others who need his help.

Kai hops back on his bike a revs it up and speeds off ignoring the fear in his heart as he heads to the Sea of Sand.

The Other Ninja

The ninja had seen the news broadcast on the tv and quickly headed towards the place. They were pretty sure Kai was heading there too because despite his anger he would never leave defenseless people to be attacked.

When they arrived Lloyd was the first out and looked around. "I don't see Kai," Lloyd said and that sentence enough was to put them on edge. "Zane give us a danger analysis," Lloyd orders, but Nya didn't give time for that. "I can give you one the roller-coaster!" She screams pointing to the ride where vermillion were taking it apart while people were still on it.

"Cole Zane you deal with the roller coaster, Nya you got the Ferris wheel, and I'll make sure to evict the citizens," Lloyd said and the ninja all nodded to that plan.

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