Under Siege

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"Lloyd I'm telling you this is a waist of time and," Nya began when the green ninja cuts her off. "You would rather locate your samurai suit yeah yeah I heard you the first time," Lloyd said as they finally reached the destination of Kai and Nya's old home, Four Weapons.

Lloyd had never been so he let Nya lead the way. She got a key out of the mailbox and unlocked the door. Lloyd went in and started looking around and saw the forge which was a surprise to him. Whenever he imagined Kai and Nya's old home he always thought the forge was a separate building nearby, but no they literally lived in a sweltering forge. Lloyd looks around ignoring how Nya was standing by the door frustrated with this waist of time. Lloyd goes through the house and found pictures of Kai and Nya when they were kids, but not many and they were far in between and all of them looked like something that just came with a event of some sort with Nya posed in them winning awards so most of them were either of Nya or both Kai and Nya, but none of the spiked haired boy alone.

The place looked like it had been fixed up a few times by someone clearly inexperienced because it looked like however the fixed it didn't help too much. After looking around the house for about twenty minutes the green ninja found nothing that linked their parents to the helmet. "Can we go now?" Nya asks impatiently. Lloyd sighs taking on last look around the shop. This really was actually just a waist of time and a dead end, something he did not want to be listening too Nya repeat on the hour drive back.

Suddenly though something caught his eye. It was a large golden gong and in the centre was the exact same symbol as on the vermilion helmet. "Nya look!" He points to the gong then the helmet which he was carrying around with him. Nya looks at it, then the helmet, then back at the gong. This went on for a few minutes and Lloyd realized she was trying to come up with a explanation.

"Okay fine Krux stole my dad's designs no big deal," she said and Lloyd was gobsmacked at her. "No big deal? Nya this is proof! Your parents are alive!" Lloyd said thinking she would be ecstatic, he knows Kai would be. "No this means Krux just plagiarized my dad's work and nothing else," she said trying to leave, but Lloyd blocks her exit.

"Your parents could be alive right now and your just brushing it off?" Lloyd asks the master of water who just shrugs like she just wanted to leave already. "Kai would be thrilled!" Lloyd states putting power into his words, but Nya looks at him with her nostrils flaring and face red with anger. "Of course he would be! Because he's too messed up to realized our parents are assholes for leaving us!" Nya yells lifting her arm in anger to hit the gong.

For a moment though Lloyd swears she had just paused in her motion of blind rage and had a red tint surrounding her, but as soon as it happened in disappeared and she moved again hitting the gong so loud it echoed through out the entire shop making a few items rattle and the sound to vibrate in Lloyd's bones and he had to cover his ear drums to avoid injury to them.

Almost immediately a hatch opened up below Nya and she let loose a short scream as she fell for feet and luckily landed on a pile of old armour breaking her fall. Lloyd jumped down and helped her up. "You okay?" He asks. She just rolled her eyes, but they looked at something behind him. He follows her eyesight and his eyes widened seeing a double bladed golden sword that had a blue ribbon on half of the hilt while the other half was red.

She walks over to it and picked it up looking at it like she was in a trance. Looking around Lloyd found a rusted version of the vermilion helmet. He looks at Nya who saw it too. She grips the sword and the blue ribbon glows in response to her anger, but she doesn't notice.

"Nya, they must have been captured just calm down and," Lloyd began thinking she was angry because she thought her parents betrayed them. "I'm going to kill them," she hisses. "Nya," Lloyd tries, but she glares at him shutting him up. "Ever since me and Kai became ninja all we've heard about our parents is how skilled they were, but if they were so skilled they could have come back ages ago," The blue ribbons glows brighter in response to her emotions and Lloyd has to look away from it. "But they didn't, Kai was hurt, beaten, drugged, and fucking raped by Morro and that could have been prevented if they had come back," Nya growls and stalks out of the secret room she clearly knew nothing about.

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