Jay's New Bike

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"Oh this is bad! This is very very bad!" Jay panicked pacing back and forth. "Mom's been kidnapped, Kai's been kidnapped, and we have no idea where they are going," he panics and his father quickly began calming him down. "Son calm down it won't be doing anyone any good to panic that's how Kai ended up in police custody after all," Ed said trying to help his son.

"Dad really I need a real plan here I can't fail Kai, not again," Jay blinked back tears and Ed hugs his son tightly. "You have a heart bigger than anyone I know and would have always come through when the forces of evil threaten Ninjago. You will know exactly what to do because you never given up before and I don't expect anything different this time," Ed said looking at his son in his eyes. Jay sniffs wiping away un-shedded tears.

"Thanks dad I needed that, but my bikes a wreck and the same for Kai's. How are we going to catch up to them if I can't summon my dragon?" Jay asks pitifully. "Well this old builder still has a few tricks up his sleeves," Ed said with a wink.

With Kai

Kai screamed through the gag in his mouth and made sure to kick and punch any snake he saw when given the chance. This lead to the snakes themselves restraining him instead by deforming from a full on body to just single snakes wrapped around him like a constrictai. The only bind that isn't a snake is the gag which was a torn piece of red fabric from part of his sleeve.

The general was on the outside of the door and was excited because Morro was going to be pleased when he heard he had the red ninja. "Oh I'm so gonna get a promotion!" He said in excitement.

Kai looked around for a escape because no way in hell is he going to be needing rescue. In fact this is a perfect opportunity to show he is not a damsel in distress and can save himself. The others have been way to over bearing to him and he needs to show them he is capable. Also the idea of being handed off to Morro even for a second sent shivers running through him.

He also can't forget about Edna who was yelling about getting her purse. Kai looked and saw that the other side door was unlocked, but vermilion were on the outside of it. If Kai can catch them off guard quick enough he should be able to use the door quick enough and push them out. The trucks going at a fast speed, but he's pretty sure he can summon his dragon before he got hurt and at the very least he knew what to do when jumping out of a high speed vehicle.

The real problem was getting these bindings off. They were too tight to allow him to use his powers, but maybe that could be his advantage.

Kai held his breath without puffing his cheeks and struggled only a little as if he was being suffocated. The snakes must have gotten worried and their eyes glowed a little. The snake general turns around and looked both panicked and annoyed.

"What's wrong? Why is your face red?" He asks. Kai gave out some muffled pathetic noises so the general took off the gag so he could speak. "Can't breath..too tight," Kai gasps out like it was a struggle to even formulate those words. Rag-munk panics and orders the snakes to loosen the hold they had on him so he could breath. They all complied and Kai took in a deep breath to show they did it. Satisfied the general went back to watching out for the time blade while Kai looked out the other window.

The two vermillion were still on that side and Kai looked back at the general who was being distracted by Edna. Kai sent a silent thank you to her and her ability to never stop talking.

He sets the restraints on fire and they all hissed fleeing the steering hot fire. The vermillion general turns around and panics seeing Kai free of his restraints and kicked the door out on the other side knocking the vermillion warriors out and without a second thought or moment of hesitation he jumped.

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