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Two months later

Things were not going well for the ninja. Well to be more accurate things were not going well for Kai. He barely ate and pushed the slightest bit of contact away. He never ate and what he did eat did not stay down for more than half a hour. He barely got a good nights rest without waking up from a nightmare or just not sleeping period.

Kai played it all off like he was fine, but it was obvious he was not. He collapsed twice when he tried getting right back to training without even a full day to process things. The others are trying to get him too see some sort of help, but he refused saying he does not need it, but they can hear what he really means behind his words. When he says. "I don't need it," what he is really saying is. "I don't deserve it." Everyone felt conflicted between being happy sensei G was back too making sure Kai didn't hurt himself. Lloyd felt the brunt of this since he wanted to be there for his love, but did not want to accidentally open his wounds while still fresh while also being over joyed his father was back thanks too Kai.

Right now Kai was having another one of his many nightmares.

His nightmare

Kai was sitting in a old room in Morro's hide out. Morro had just brought him back from the trade with the others and Kai only just woke up after falling asleep. Kai was angry and heart broken. His heart ached and he would not be surprised if it just stopped working all together.

"My Amber Jewel~" Morro purrs returning. He did not even open the door he just fazed through it. Kai does not say anything because he's just still a little out of it from the betrayal. Morro gave a sympathetic look and bends down to his knees kissing his hands. "It's going to be alright my Amber Jewel, I'll never leave you," the last part was whispered in Kai's ear and the cold blow on the shell of it made him shiver. Morro jumps to his feet and unzips a duffle bag he had brought with him. He pulls out a dark black and green dress holding it up to his love with a giddy expression. "I've been saving this for you," Morro said holding it out too Kai who looks at it mouth agape. "Morro I....I appreciate it, but I don't like dresses," Kai responds. Morro was upset with this answer. "But I went out of my way buying it just for you I did not have too do it, but I did," Morro said rubbing Kai's arms gently. Kai felt guilty quickly, but still did not want to wear the dress it was just so revealing. "Love please I'd love you so much if you wore it. I have been waiting forever too see you in it," Morro said. That's what gets Kai to slowly nod his head. Morro knew exactly what Kai craved right now. He craved love and Morro was going to use his weakness too his full advantage.

Kai took the dress and held it for a second. Morro sat on the bed waiting for Kai too change. "Aren't you going to leave?" Kai asks. Morro merely smiles. "No now strip," Morro said. The way he said it so casually made Kai feel something not right. He couldn't exactly explain it, but it was not a good feeling. "Did I stutter love?" Morro asks. "No," Kai responds and began removing his clothing with Morro watching a smirking. When Kai was down to his briefs Morro moved over and grabbed his hips pulling him over.

"Morro?" Kai tries to refrain from whimpering. "Your so beautiful," Morro purrs. "Morro-" Kai was cut off. "From now on you call me windy or master," Morro said. Kai nods not daring to argue. "Can I put the dress on now?" Kai asks quietly. "Mmm no," Morro pushes Kai onto the bed and hooks a finger through his briefs. "Let's have some fun," Morro purrs.

End of dream

Kai woke up breathing hard. He sat up and looked around. Since he did not wake up screaming this time no one was awoken. Instead Kai starts crying wishing too just forget everything. "Why? What did I do to deserve any of that?" Kai sobs heavily into the night.

Next morning

Kai was not at breakfast and when checking on him he was asleep. They saw tear stains and could tell he had started crying some time in the night. As they just silently ate letting Kai get some rest he needs. Around 9:00 they got a call from Dareth who 'volunteered' to be their manager for all the public stuff since they couldn't seem to get a break from people wanting a piece of them.

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