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Kai was helping Wu set up the shop when his boyfriend Lloyd came over to him with a nervous expression. Kai noticed and jumps down. "You okay green bean?" Kai asks. "I was just wondering if we could talk? In private?" Lloyd asks. Kai got nervous too and nodded. He follows Lloyd to the back lake. "Hey is everything okay?" Kai asks Lloyd giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "We've been together for awhile and I have been wondering how you feel about taking it a step further," Lloyd said and Kai felt a tight feeling in his chest.

He's not Morro your stronger he is not Morro

"What do you mean?" Kai asks happy he kept the stutter out of his voice. "Do you want to have sex? Because we've been together for almost three years and you've never even mentioned it. I just want to know if you want it and just don't want to ask me," Lloyd said explaining his feelings. Kai bit his lip and was nervous keeping himself from a pack attack barely. "Do you want to have sex?" Kai asks. "To be honest no I am not ready for that, but I've been freaking out wondering if you wanted it. Because I know that sometimes relationships crumble if you don't have it and you did say you weren't virgin," Lloyd said looking a little scared of Kai's response. "Oh green bean I love you and that's all that matters. I honestly don't want it either," Kai admits hugging Lloyd and Lloyd was surprised. "What? But I thought," Lloyd started. "Who or what put that idea in your head I wanted to have sex with you before you were ready?" Kai asks. Lloyd bit his lip. "A voice," Lloyd answers. "Is this the type of voice telling you too set fires? Or the type of voice giving self doubt?" Kai asks. "No I'm not sure, but the voice always says that I wasn't good enough for you to be the green ninja. That you were fed up of waiting and just wanted to leave me if we didn't have sex." Lloyd said a little teary eyes. Kai kisses him and sat him down in his lap. "Lloyd I love you because your kind, generous, understanding, forgiving, and more adorable than a puppy," Lloyd giggles at the last part. "I'll never ask you to do something you aren't okay with. And to be honest I haven't had the best past experiences," Kai admits and Lloyd was concerned. "What do you mean?" Lloyd asks. "If I tell you promise not to hate me?" Kai asks. "I could never hate you," Lloyd said. Kai took a deep breath.

"I used to have a boyfriend who thought he would be the green ninja," Kai admits and Lloyd was wide eyed. "What?" Lloyd asks. "He worked hard to become the green ninja. He asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes, because I did love him. But he changed and started becoming obsessed with it and mean. He was the opposite of you. One day he thought himself so high and mighty he wanted to take our relationship a step further. I didn't want to I liked where we were and he didn't like that. I wasn't strong back then and he got the upper hand," Kai was teary eyed and was clutching Lloyd close. "He raped you?" Lloyd asks and Kai nodded. Lloyd kisses his cheek. "I'm sorry I even mentioned it. It's okay I don't hate you," Lloyd said. "You don't?" Kai asks. "No of course I don't. What happened to him?" Lloyd asks. "I kicked him out when he blamed me for not being the green ninja and because he raped me. He thought it was because he wasn't the green ninja. If you met him it was clear that was not even a reason. He said he would become the green ninja and I would love him again. Haven't heard from him since," Kai retells. Lloyd kisses Kai again and Kai kisses back. "I love you no matter what and I'll always protect you," Lloyd said. Kai smiles cuddling Lloyd neither noticing the green glow behind a tree.


Lloyd arrived to the museum to answer a call for a robbery. He arrived and found the guard that had been attacked that night.

"Hi I'm Lloyd can you tell me what happened?" The guard got up and and dragged Lloyd to the back room without saying a word than closed the doors. "This is where it happened where the attack happened," The guard said. "What was stolen?" Lloyd asked. "Two things a old armour called the allied armour it was kinda worthless," The guard said in a voice that sounded kinda young. Lloyd inspects the wooden box it came from not seeing any footprints or anything worth noting. "And what was the other thing stolen?" Lloyd asks looking back at the card. He felt a slight breeze and looked around seeing he was in a no window room and there was no way a breeze could come in. "A amber jewel very valuable in the eyes of some and a sight to behold for those lucky enough though I know who stole that," The guard said his voice cold and angry. Lloyd ignores it and asks. "Who stole the amber jewel?" Lloyd asks and the answer took him off guard.

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