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(Hi some might be wondering why I took Kai's memories and then give them back like nothing happened. Well it was just another reason for me to emotionally torture Nya and Lloyd. Yeah I'm evil)

Nya, Cole, Lloyd, and Zane had come up with a full proof plan. Well it was mostly full proof. They disguised themselves as pirates and hitched a ride on a piece of land that floated up into the clouds. It was assumed that Kai and Jay had to be on one of the ships as prisoners so they were going to blend in with the rest of Nadakhan's pirates and try and find where they are. Then they can rescue the two ninja and they can chew Jay out for making a wish.

Once among the pirates Nya and Cole paired off too look on one side while Zane and Lloyd paired up to go off on the other side.

As they looked Nya and Cole somehow ended up on the decorating crew. Double doubloon just grabbed them, pushed them towards a grate with decorations, and pointed them towards a large temple. They just chose to go with the flow though were more wishing for some info on where Kai or Jay were, but Double Doubloon could not speak or make a sound so it was impossible for it to be mentioned in passing conversation.

"Hey Nya I got a idea so go along with it," Cole whispers to her than before she could say anything Cole broke the wheel on the crate with the decorations and they all fell over. Double Dabloon made a bunch of angry hand motions at them and the crate. He looked to someone else walking by which was a green serpitine snake. They could understand the pirate and nodded. "I'll get the captain and see what he thinks we should do. I think he's still testing cakes," Clancee said than left to do that while Cole and Nya stay behind smiling at their luck.

A few minutes later Nadakhan appears and he seemed to be in a really sour mood from being disturbed. "You incompetent idiots," Nadakhan grumbles at them not recognizing them with their pirate disguises. "Sorry captain what these for anyway?" Cole asks making his voice sound gruffer. "Have you fools been listening to anything? They are for my wedding and if you do not hurry up and fix this I will send you to my sword," Nadakhan threatens. Nya and Cole looked at each other confused since Nadakhan did not seem like someone too get to far ahead without everything he needed and he still needed Nya to be his bride right?

"Well to be fair captain we were meant to be guarding the prisoners," Nya said also making her voice deeper. "What prisoners? Don't you make excuses with me you nit wits," Nadakhan said with a growl and they both look down, but were panicking on the inside. If there are not any prisoners here where the heck are Kai and Jay?

"Now do not disturb me again while I am with my bride," Nadakhan said than poofed away. Cole and Nya are in total shock and looked at each other. If Nya was not the bride what poor soul is?

"Now let's get back too," Clancee turns back and saw the two other pirates had disappeared leaving the decorations to him. Clancee sighed in annoyance and frusteration at always being left to the manual labor.

Nya and Cole had snuck away and were hiding near the temple in some thick trees as they waited for the others.

"What are we going to do? His bride must be someone part of his crew to agree to marry him," Cole said. "And if Jay and Kai aren't here than where could they be?" Nya asks in worry for the two people she loves the most.

As they thought something hard suddenly landed on Cole's head. "OW!" He said rubbing his head in pain as Nya picked up the object that had fallen. She saw it was a wine bottle with a letter in it. "What's this?" she asks out loud before hearing the familiar loud voice of her boyfriend.


Cole and Nya looked up and too their horror saw Jay wearing a blue girly belly dancer outfit and had his mouth covered by one of Nadakhan's hands as the others explore his body. Cole and Nya were shocked as Jay started crying trying to get away from Nadakhan. Before Nya or Cole could do or say anything Jay bit Nadakhan's hand and made a wish disappearing. Nadakhan's brow furrowed, but he did not make any move to go after Jay.

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