Tricky Deals

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"So your sure no one saw Morro?" Kai asks the others panicking a little. After saving Cole and everything it only just occurred to Kai that there was a Morro statue in the museum as well and after all that had happened he is terrified of the idea Morro could be back.

"Kai calm down it has been three days and Morro isn't around anymore okay?" Lloyd calms Kai down. Kai took some deep shaky breaths and nodded. "Okay.....Okay I'm good sorry," Kai said sheepish. "It's okay brother you're getting better," Zane said. "I think I'm gonna go to the museum early," Kai said moving past them wanting to just keep his mind busy.

The others let him leave to go and he does. As he walks there he feels something bad in his stomach and it's almost making him want to puke. He holds it in and got to the museum, but the pit in his stomach just kept growing and he felt unsafe, but maybe that was just the fact the museum was eerily quiet today since it was closed for cleaning that was being done by him and the others once they get there.

"Where is the doctor?" Kai mutters to himself walking into one of the halls filled with old ancient scrolls on display.

"Hello? Doctor Sanders? I'm here early," Kai calls out walking into a room that had a large stone statue of a snake with two glass eyes. Kai walks around and found a box and shrugging he decided to just get started and he picks up and box when he felt eyes on him and he turned looking around.

He saw no one there, but did the snakes head always look in his direction?


"How much longer until they get here?" Morro asks Krux impatiently. "Patient dead one they will arrive eventually," Krux calms.

Morro huffs impatiently wanting to see his lover again after those lonely months in the cursed realm. Though less lonely and more boring than anything. Why can't Kai be happy with him in the first place? Morro just really wants to get him pregnant already and rub his pregnant stomach and tell him how he can never leave again and if he tries he will kill the kid.

"Hello? Doctor Sanders? I'm here early,"

Morro sat up at the sound of the voice and Krux curses. "Kai," Morro smirks in a purr.

Krux stopped said ghost from leaving the room. "Don't do anything. Remember if you blow the cover you will never get your end of the deal got it? So just wait," Krux hisses.

Morro knows the old man is right, but cannot help pouting in disappointment as Krux left to go to Kai and distract him away from the ghost. The only real reason Krux was keeping Morro around despite the risks was that if Morro told the ninja who he really was then it would destroy everything he has been working towards for almost his entire life.

Morro looks through the spy glass as Kai decided to just get started on some boxes and picked the first one up. Morro watched his beauty pick it up before the lovely boy put it down again looking around and clearly was feeling watched. Morro saw he made eye contact with the snakes and he curses silently fearing he had been caught. Luckily Krux, or Doctor Sanders to Kai, showed up thoroughly startling Kai who dropped the box.

"Red Ninja! Your here early or is my watch broken?" Doctor Sanders said in his stupid fake cheery voice and checked his watch. Kai gave a nervous laugh glancing at the snake head again. "No no you just startled me," Kai said with a nervous look. Sanders got Kai busy moving some boxes and sent Morro a glare from where he was looking through the snake head.

Morro wanted to watch Kai, but feared he could not control himself and compromise the mission so instead he chose to look around the secret office belonging to Krux.

He found a journal, but it was basically a diary filled with messy hand writing of Krux complaining about pretty much all technology besides lightbulbs. He found a book shelf and looked at the titles with most of them being history books. He pulled a random one off the shelf and a secret door opened. Morro peered in and could not help the eye roll. "This is so old fashioned," He said and having nothing better to do he walks in. Following some markers and around a mile he wound up at a swamp with some rickety shacks around.

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