Just One Chance

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The ninja arrived at Sensei Yang's temple finding it was deserted. "Didn't Ronin say they offer tours of the place?" Cole asks. "Maybe they have a day off?" Jay suggests. "Let's just get the stupid scroll so we can get Kai back," Lloyd said walking over to the temple when Zane pulls him back. "Zane what are you?" Zane put a finger to his lips to quiet Lloyd then pushed everyone up a tree. "Morro's here," Zane whispers. They quieted and looked to see Morro's dragon was in the air and landed in front of the ancient building. He wasn't possessing Kai this time so that was a relief.

"What's Morro doing here? He already has the scroll and knows airjitzu. Why would he be at Yang's temple?" Cole asks. "I don't know why don't we punch it out of him?" Lloyd suggests in a growl. He was about to hop down from the tree when Zane pulled him back. "What are you?" Lloyd started. "He has Kai," Zane said and Lloyd looked back to see Morro pull off Kai from his devil dragon. "Why did you bring me here Morro?" Kai asks. His gi was ripped at the shoulders, he had bruises around his neck, he was cuffed with vengestone by his hands and ankles, he favoured his right leg, his skin was pale and ill, and his eyes showed he was tired. "Too fix a small issue my amber jewel and to keep you safe while I pay your sister a visit and get some equipment with my underlings," Morro replies. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her garbage ghost," Kai spat with a smirk and Morro growls. "I told you to stop calling me that! Why can't you just call me that old pet name?," Morro asks almost pouty. "Because I called you that before you became a jerk," Kai responds. "You'll realize soon enough that you belong to me and not that fake green ninja," Morro said. "Whatever you say now why are we here again?" Kai asks. Morro smirks. "Well I want you to become a ghost," Morro said and the ninja hiding in the tree really had to hold Lloyd back from blowing their cover or else they might never find out what Morro has planned. "Wait your going to kill me? That is not how you get someone to love you," Kai said. "No no I made a deal with the ghost of Sensei Yang. I will lift his curse if he makes sure you spend the night in his temple. Once the sun rises you will become a ghost like me. That way I don't need to kill you or risk you going to the departed realm instead of the cursed realm," Morro said with a gleeful tone. "That's crazier than you wanting to marry me!" Kai yelled at Morro trying to get away from him only to be pulled back. "Oh don't worry you won't even notice. Besides now it will be easier for you to please me," Morro said kissing Kai as he tried pushing Morro away.

"That son of witch," Lloyd whispers. "Lloyd wait Morro is going to trap Kai in the temple over night. He's going to leave Kai alone this is our best chance to rescue him. Kai can even teach us airjitzu since Morro looked at the staff while in Kai's body then Kai knows it," Cole said. "But he's kissing my boyfriend," Lloyd pouts like a child. "Just wait until Morro's gone and we'll get Kai," Jay said. Lloyd pouts and looked back to see Morro was full on making out with Kai as he cried clearly not enjoying it. "Let me at him," Lloyd said and jumped from the trees, but was pulled back by all three of his friends. The tussle made Morro break the kissing though and turn around looking to the trees suspiciously. "Did you hear that?" Morro asks. "Hear what?" Kai plays dumb he was looking directly at the tree they were hiding in. "It came from over," Morro began taking a step towards their hiding place. "Windy wait," Kai said quickly and Morro turned back from the place the ninja were hiding. Morro looked at Kai with a pleased smile. "Say that again," Morro said. Kai glanced around where the others were hiding. "Windy," Kai repeats and Morro smiles and shudders in glee. "Now what did you want to say?" Morro asks. "That I really don't want to become a ghost. Well yet," Kai said. "Oh no need to be afraid besides it's either this or the potion. Now say that again," Morro said. Kai bit his lip, but Morro dug his ghostly nails into his arm as a clear warning. "Windy," Kai repeats again and Morro smiles wide. "Good now let's go turn you into a ghost," Morro said and took the red ninja into the temple.

Five minutes later Morro came out locking the doors without Kai. He took off on his dragon just as the sun set. "Can we go now?" Lloyd asks. "You almost got us caught," Cole said. "So what? We didn't and now we can rescue Kai," Lloyd said. "You could get him or us killed!" Jay said. "I'll be more careful can we please go now," Lloyd said. They sighed at the love sick green ninja and got down from the tree and too the temple. They broke in by blowing the doors open and Lloyd ran in the temple. "Kai? Kai please can you hear me?!" Lloyd calls out. There was no response and Lloyd ran ahead. "Lloyd wait! And he's gone," Cole shook his head in a sigh. "He can search the floors we'll look around this floor," Zane said.

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