Chapter 54- Sincerely.

Start from the beginning

While I sat on the couch, staring blankly at the wall in front of me. I thought about everything that has happened so far.

I jumped a bit when I felt Landon's hand rub my leg comfortingly, "You want to talk about it love?" he asked, locking eyes with me.

He rubbed circles on my ankles that were sat over his lap, "No." I whispered, it'll just make me cry more, he nodded.

"We can just sit here until you're ready." he said gently, I smiled a bit while looking into his soft brown eyes.

We stayed like that on the couch in comfortable silence. I couldn't talk about it right now, eventually I would. But, I hate that he's gone, I never would have found myself feeling sorrow for one of my tormentors. Yet here I was, completely mourning him, because, Chester wasn't actually a bad person he was just a sad follower.

His mother and father already spoke to Landon about the funeral being held tomorrow. They want him to be buried by the oak tree they grew, when he was a child. Across from the river Landon and I go to, he allowed it because, of me. The burial will be held at ten o'clock.

It was the next day and I was completely dreading going out. Every moment passing felt so sad, a gloom overtaking my every waking move.

"Are you ready?" he asked, holding out his hand.

I sighed, nodding my head and slipping my hand into his hold. Landon led me out of our bedroom and downstairs to the front door. When we made it outside we seen everyone heading to where the burial would be. They were all dressed in black and formal attire. The forest was filled with the pack, some even in their wolf form, lurking around.

The area was decorated neatly with white flowers strategically placed around, the oak tree having a white ribbon tied around it as well. Underneath it was a hole dug for the gray casket, that was right next to it. I blinked my eyes numerous times to stop the tears from coming out. Landon and I stood up front with Mr. and Mrs. Davis. They talked about their son and how much they regretted not talking to him much shortly before his passing. I was confused at that, why wouldn't they talk to him.

Afterwards some guards came to pick the casket up, slowly lowering it into the ground. That's when I broke, he was dead, he was actually gone. It was just the other day when he was talking to me, this can't be real. I turned my head away, burying my face in Landon's chest. His hand came to the back of my head, running his fingers soothingly through my hair.

He's gone.


"Are you hungry?" I glanced to the side seeing Landon walking towards me.

I shook my head, staring at the oak tree in front of me. From my spot on the stump I had a perfect view of the tree. The ribbon was really pretty, I wonder if white was even his favorite color. I felt Landon sit next to me on a log that made him shorter than me.

"Mind switching?" he smiled a bit, trying to get me to, which I did.

"No." I replied, he rolled his eyes with a playful sigh.

"It's all my fault that he's gone." I muttered, Landon grabbed my chin softly to make me look at him.

"No it's not, Chester wanted to help you." he stated, caressing my chin with the pad of his thumb.

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